Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment

BACKGROUNDER – Commitment Statement on Environmental Sustainability in Canada DRAFT

In November 2004, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) agreed to work towards an environmental sustainability framework for Canada. This commitment statement encapsulates our shared vision of jurisdictions working together towards environmental sustainability. The parties hereby agree as follows:

governments agree that attaining the highest level of environmental quality provides a foundation that will enhance the health and well-being of Canadians, conserve and protect Canada’s natural environment and advance our long-term competitiveness; and
environmental issues respect neither physical nor political boundaries and must be managed in an increasingly complex global arena thereby requiring collaborative actions from government; and

federal, provincial and territorial governments each have unique legislative authority enabling them to regulate matters relating to the environment; and


effective interjurisdictional cooperation based on collaboration among governments, respect for jurisdiction and consideration of local and regional conditions leads to certainty and predictability of environmental regulation and to environmental sustainability; and


all Canadians, individually and collectively, share responsibility for protection of the environment for use by present and future generations and have the right to participate in environmental decision making.


THEREFORE, governments adopt the following principles to guide progress on environmental sustainability in Canada:

Shared Vision

Governments will work towards a shared vision of national outcomes in Canada through collaboration and equal partnerships among governments.

Commitment Action            

Governments will act on environmental matters in their areas of to jurisdiction while respecting the jurisdiction of other governments.

Shared Responsibility
Governments will maximize efficiency and effectiveness, by recognizing each other’s strengths and by collaborating to achieve
           shared outcomes.
Consensus Based
           Decision Making
In defining shared outcomes by consensus, governments will recognize the contributions of all parties, draw on their creativity to define appropriate outcomes, and promote their acceptance of the result.

To achieve the desired outcomes, governments will use place-based approaches that recognize variation in ecosystems, jurisdictions and regions.

Openness, Transparency and Accountability Governments will be open, transparent, and accountable to their citizens and provide opportunities for effective participation in their environmental decision-making processes.
Informed Decision Making
Government decisions will be informed by science and risk-based approaches and will give consideration to traditional knowledge in order to achieve environmental outcomes.
Continuous Improvement
Governments will continuously improve environmental performance, encourage actions beyond minimal compliance and will lead by example to encourage environmental sustainability.

THEREFORE, in light of these principles, governments agree to work together,
through a strengthened CCME to contribute to the achievement of:



  • a systems approach for environmental management in which jurisdictions collaborate to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness;
  • nationally consistent environmental outcomes that support a high level of environmental quality, improved health and quality of life, and a strong economy;
  • streamlined, single-window/single-process regulatory approaches with delivery by the best placed jurisdiction and clearly defined roles and responsibilities;
  • the continued development of nationally consistent strategies on emerging environmental issues of national, international and global significance;
  • bilateral and/or multilateral agreements to promote environmental cooperation among and within governments;
  • a national science agenda focused on shared priorities required to support sound environmental decision making;
  • improved international and domestic linkages in the handling of environmental issues and the development of environmental standards;
  • increased investment in the development and broader deployment of environmental technologies;
  • enhanced public awareness and participation on environmental issues;
  • improved sharing of information to ensure sound decisions, accurate predictions and accountability.