The National Safety Code (NSC) for Motor Carriersis a comprehensive code of minimum performance standards designed to ensure the safe operation of commercial vehicles across Canada.
The 16 standards of the NSC were developed by the provinces and territories in conjunction with industry stakeholders as part of the regulatory reform of the late 1980s to ensure highway safety did not deteriorate in a deregulated environment. They provide a model for provincial/territorial regulators to develop common programs, policies and regulations that ensure cross-Canada harmonization and reciprocity in the management of truck and bus operations.
All provinces and territories use the NSC as the cornerstone of their regulatory frameworks, with standards either adopted by reference or mirrored in provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
Because much of Canada’s truck and bus traffic cross provincial and territorial boundaries as well as the Canada/U.S. border, the need for harmonized and consistent application of these rules is an important element to facilitating seamless and efficient transportation, as well as fostering competitiveness both interprovincially and internationally.
To this day, NSC standards remain important instruments of public policy in promoting public safety. Officials from the provincial, territorial and federal governments continue to monitor and review the NSC standards to enhance their effectiveness and respond to evolving regulatory context, ensuring the regulatory regime remains effective, responsive to industry needs and enforceable.
More information on the National Safety Code can be found @