March 3, 2016
Vancouver Convention Centre – West Building
1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 0C3
Wednesday, March 2 - Facility open for equipment delivery and technical set-up and for media to pick up their accreditation badges beginning at 12:00 pm.
Thursday, March 3 – First Ministers’ Meeting with Premiers. Facility open at 7:00 am for media to pick up their accreditation badges.
Additional programme details will be made available at a later date.
Media representatives who wish access to the meeting site must register on-line and provide a colour photograph. Please use the link and enter the PIN 356934. Registrations should be submitted no later than February 24. Accreditation badges will be distributed on-site beginning at 12:00 on March 2 and must be worn for site access. Accreditation enquiries may be directed to Céline Lecordier ( 613-293-6457).
A media workroom will be provided with WiFi, power outlets, cablevision, and television monitors. Unimic and press conference locations will be equipped with lighting and interpretation audio distribution.
Arrangements for technical vehicle parking must be made with the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Broadcasters requiring telecommunications and/or transmission facilities should contact Robyn Tonack, VCC Telecom & Technology Manager, Bell Canada ( 604-647-7377).
For further information regarding programme and facilities, please contact the Media Coordinator, Tom Young ( 613-769-1001).