WHITEHORSE - July 30, 1999 – The 1999 provincial and territorial conference of ministers responsible for local government concluded in Whitehorse today. Hosted by Dave Keenan, Yukon Minister of Community and Transportation Services, the annual conference provided an opportunity for representatives from across the country to discuss priority issues facing their jurisdictions.
"There are a number of new faces among my ministerial colleagues," Keenan said, "and the last two days were an opportunity for us to meet and hear a fresh perspective on issues facing local governments."
All provincial and territorial governments participated in the conference, including Canada's newest territory, Nunavut.
"Our focus is on strong, self-sufficient local governments," Keenan said. "We talked about provincial and territorial strategies for assisting local governments to move forward into the next century."
"Many provincial and territorial governments are reviewing their municipal legislation," Keenan added. "They were interested to hear about Yukon's new Municipal Act, and New Brunswick's current municipal legislative reform initiative."
Keenan led a discussion on aboriginal self-government with a focus on the relationship between municipal and other levels of local government. Keenan shared his unique perspective having once been a First Nation Chief involved in self-government negotiations and is now the Minister for local government.
The Ministers also discussed the financing of local government, municipal infrastructure, creative governance structures and service delivery, municipal administration and changes to municipal structures.
"While many local governments face unique challenges and opportunities, they also share many similarities," Keenan said. "What we've confirmed over the past couple of days is that the depth of knowledge and commitment we have here is a resource we can all share."
The year 2000 conference will be held in New Brunswick.
Virginia Labelle, ADM Municipal Affairs Community and Transportation Services (867) 667-5636 virginia.labelle@gov.yk.ca |
Marie-Louise Boylan, Communications Officer Executive Council Office (867) 667-5339 marie-louise.boylan@gov.yk.ca |