Federal-Provincial-Territorial Meeting of Ministers responsible for Aboriginal Matters and Leaders of National Aboriginal Organizations


Winnipeg, May 11, 2001 – Federal-provincial/territorial Ministers responsible for Aboriginal Affairs and the Leaders of the five national Aboriginal organizations met today. 

As a follow-up to their December 15, 1999 meeting, in Ottawa, Ministers and Leaders reviewed and endorsed the Strengthening Aboriginal Participation in the Economy report.  This Report reviewed the challenges and barriers to Aboriginal involvement in the economy, outlined opportunities for federal provincial and territorial governments, Aboriginal communities, institutions and governments and the need for private sector involvement.  The importance and sharing of best practices were also a key priority in the Report.

 The Report is the result of a collaborative effort involving five national Aboriginal organizations, provincial and territorial governments and the Government of Canada.

 All parties agreed to the general recommendations regarding the adoption of the Report, including connectivity, engaging the private sector, and the development of partnerships, the continued sharing of information and best practices and the focus on youth.  More specifically, Ministers and Leaders directed officials to move forward on the immediate initiatives outlined in the Report that respect the regional, political and cultural diversity while fostering equal opportunity for all Aboriginal people. 

Ministers and Leaders directed officials to meet in Ottawa within 30 days to commence the development of a strategy including a workplan to implement the recommendations of the report on Aboriginal Participation in the Economy with a strong emphasis on Youth and Women.  Ministers and Leaders agreed to post an electronic version of this report on the Aboriginal Canada Portal and on appropriate web sites of the parties within each jurisdiction.  In light of the importance of this report, a broader communications plan will be developed to ensure widest possible distribution and consideration.  It is intended that this report be used as a guide by governments, non-governmental organizations, Aboriginal governments and groups, and private sector entities interested in strengthening Aboriginal participation in the economy.

 Ministers and Leaders agreed to meet in December to receive the workplan and progress report on implementation. 

In addition, Ministers and Leaders also committed to a national Aboriginal Youth conference to be held in Edmonton, October 26-28, 2001*.  The conference will be comprised of Aboriginal Youth representing national Aboriginal organizations, officials from federal, provincial and territorial governments, national Aboriginal organizations, Aboriginal Elders and representatives from industry and educational institutions.

 *Quebec has indicated in 1999 that they shared the diagnostic and concerns expressed in the Report of the working group on Aboriginal youth which will be the subject of discussion at the Youth conference.  Quebec also agreed with the proposed overall objectives.  However, Quebec intends to find solutions to young Aboriginals’ problems within its own directions and mechanisms.


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 For information:  

Government of Canada
           Bill Macpherson
           Telephone         (819) 953-6616
           Cellular              (819) 859-3900            



Government of Manitoba
           Ronuk Modha
           Telephone         (204) 945-1494
           Cellular              (204) 795-5829




Assembly of First Nations
           Jean Larose
           Telephone         (613) 241-6789
           Cellular              (613) 795-9664




Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
           Bob Gairns
           Telephone         (613) 747-6022
           Cellular              (613) 797-8162




Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
           John Holman
           Telephone         (613) 238-8181 ext 230
           Cellular              (613) 794-9963




Metis National Council
           Christi Belcourt
           Telephone         (613) 232-3216
           Cellular              (613) 298-1928




Native Womens’ Association of Canada
           Bernadette Rourke
           Telephone      1-800-461-4043