OTTAWA, February 20, 1998 -- Ministers reached agreement on proceeding to cover procurement by the MASH sector (municipalities, municipal organizations, school boards and publicly funded academic, health and social service entities). At present, subject to ratification by their Cabinets, the agreement would cover all jurisdictions but British Columbia and Yukon (Yukon was not in attendance). Ministers confirmed the exclusion of health and social services and directed officials to prepare clear common guidelines for the MASH sector on the obligations they will assume under the agreement.
Ministers recognized the substantial progress achieved to date in expanding the coverage of provincial and federal agencies under the Procurement Chapter of the agreement and directed officials to complete a list of covered agencies and an agreement by July 1998.
On the issue of financial incentives, Ministers directed officials to bring back proposals on their use in advance of the August 1998 Annual Premiers' Conference.
Ministers approved measures to harmonize corporate registration and reporting requirements across the country and to establish an electronic information exchange system for corporate registration by July 1, 1999.
Ministers reviewed the sectoral chapters under the Agreement, acknowledging the substantial progress made to date in such areas as consumer standards and related measures. Reaffirming their undertaking to honor commitments made under the Agreement, Ministers agreed to engage with their colleagues responsible for the sectoral chapters and, particularly in the areas of agriculture and labour mobility, to urge Ministers to accelerate the completion of their outstanding work programs, within specific timeframes.
In addition to improving the Agreement, Ministers acknowledged a need to move beyond it and engage stakeholders in identifying practical steps to enhance trade within Canada and directed officials to report back on new initiatives prior to the August 1998 Annual Premiers' Conference.
It was agreed the current federal-provincial co-chair arrangement would continue on the basis of an annual rotation. Ontario will become the new provincial co-chair and Alberta will become the new provincial vice-chair.
For information:
André Dimitrijevic
Internal Trade Secretariat
(204) 987-8094