Airline Restructuring
Ministers received an update on developments resulting from airline mergers and restructuring in Canada, with particular focus on changes which are occurring with the federal role in airline regulation. They also discussed the impact of the proposed Emergency Response Services Regulation for smaller airports.
Canada-wide Transportation Strategy
Ministers received an update on work being undertaken by provinces and territories in pursuit of developing a Canada-wide Transportation Strategy, as called for by the Premiers at their conference held in August this year. The Strategy objective is to increase investments substantially in order to enhance competitiveness and facilitate long-term economic growth.
Road Safety Vision 2010
Ministers reviewed and discussed a proposal from the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) to establish a vision of making Canada's road system the safest in the world by the year 2010.
Professional Driver Licensing and Discipline Model
Ministers reviewed and discussed issues related to the tracking of performance of commercial drivers and disciplinary measures which are used by jurisdictions.
High Fuel Costs
Ministers reviewed and discussed the impacts and implications for transportation associated with the higher fuel costs currently faced by consumers and commercial truck operators.
Vehicle Weights and Dimensions
Ministers were informed on the agreement in principle reached between Ontario and Québec in late August 2000 on a plan to harmonize vehicle weight and dimension regulations between the two provinces.
Transportation and Climate Change
Ministers reviewed actions which are being proposed in each jurisdiction related to the impacts of transportation activities on climate change, and relative to the greenhouse gas reduction goals set out in the December 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
Review of Canada Transportation Act
Ministers were briefed on the mandate, terms of reference and working schedule of the panel which is undertaking a review of the Canada Transportation Act (CTA). The independent panel was appointed by the Minister of Transport in June 2000, and must complete its review by July 1, 2001.
Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Ministers received a presentation on the development and implementation of a strategy t
- stimulate the development and deployment of intelligent transportation systems in Canada, and
- maximize the use and efficiency of existing infrastructure and to meet future mobility needs more responsibly.