Discussion by the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety at a September 24, 1998 meeting in Regina, SK on a number of transportation issues of national significance.
Blockades of Agricultural Products
The western provinces will make representations regarding their concerns about recent unwarranted actions by South Dakota and other states to block movement of agricultural products.
While expressing appreciation for diplomatic interventions of the Government of Canada, the Western Ministers will seek Minister Collenette's assurance that the federal government will continue to seek resolution of this issue through all possible means.
National Highway System
Ministers will receive a presentation on the work, which was undertaken by an interjurisdictional steering committee to provide an updated depiction of the state, condition and investment needs of the National Highway System identified in 1988.
Ministers will be provided with a status on the work the Federal/Provincial/ Territorial Working Group on Public-Private Partnerships.
National Transportation Investment Strategy
Ministers will discuss a national transportation investment strategy and the importance of a number of transportation initiatives including: funding for highways and other transportation infrastructure; climate change and cross border trade corridor issues. They will discuss the importance of transportation to the global competitiveness of Canada's economy.
Transportation and Climate Change
An update on the activities of the Transportation Table on climate change will be presented to Ministers. This Table, which was established under the guidance of Ministers of Transport as part of the national strategy on climate change, is tasked with developing, by May 1999, options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.
Ministers will be presented a status of ongoing work of the Canadian Conference of Motor Transport Administrators, CCMTA, respecting the National Safety Code standards on load security, hours of service for bus and truck drivers, and a carrier safety rating system.
A primary objective of this work is to promote a general direction that safety standards affecting carriers be harmonized to the extent possible.
Ministers will also be updated on the principles for national facility audit consistency. The principles define when safety audits will be conducted of carriers under the carrier safety rating process to ensure that carriers with poor safety records (collisions, convictions, safety detentions), are targeted first.
Motor Vehicle Transport Act
Review by the federal Minister of the status of the proposals to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, including current developments on the outstanding matters of bus deregulation and national carrier safety regulations.
Grain Transportation and Rail Issues
Provincial/Territorial Transportation Ministers will underscore the critical importance of this issue to the national economy, and seek Minister Collenette's assurances that the federal government will respond without delay to Mr. Justice Estey's final report and implement immediately all the changes necessary to meet the Review's objectives.
The Western Provinces will make a representation to the effect that the Canada Transport Act rail rationalization legislation needs immediate amendment to stop the piecemeal offering of non-viable rail line segments and will provide real opportunities for a short line railway industry in Canada; and will be asked that no further lines be abandoned until after the Estey Review.
NAV Canada
The Ministers will discuss the concerns of Canada's northern and remote areas as expressed by the Northwest Territories and the Yukon about the significant adverse effects of NAV Canada's fee schedule leading to increased transportation costs and therefore higher cost of living in the northern and remote regions of the provinces, and territories where the cost of living is already much higher than the Canadian average.
Agreement on Internal Trade – Annual Report
Ministers will review the issues contained in Chapter Fourteen of the Agreement on Internal Trade, with emphasis on the Listed Measures contained in Annex 1410.1. Discussion will focus on jurisdictions' efforts to remove or liberalize those measures referred to in Annex 1410.1.
1997 Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics
Ministers will review the 1997 Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics.
The road user death total for 1997 is 3,064. This figure is 0.6% lower than the 1996 figure which represents 18 fewer fatalities than in the previous year, and is the lowest traffic death total on record in 39 years.
Year 2000 – Implications for Transportation
This meeting will provide an opportunity for the Federal Minister of Transport to inform his provincial counterparts of the activities Transport Canada has undertaken to promote industry awareness among federally regulated transportation stakeholders and to deal with any safety implications related to Year 2000. It will also provide the Minister with an opportunity to inquire about any provincial Year 2000 activity in the area of transportation and transportation safety and to flag any issues/concerns participants might be aware of with respect to matters falling under exclusive or shared provincial jurisdiction.
Nunavut Territory
Ministers will discuss the inclusion of the new Nunavut Transportation Minister into the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety.