“Provinces and territories continue to take action in their respective jurisdictions to improve health outcomes for Canadians. Our healthcare systems are complex, and issues need to be addressed at their root causes. In Nova Scotia, we are looking for new solutions to old healthcare challenges. It is incredibly valuable to have opportunities to meet with our PT counterparts to discuss our shared interests and learn from one another.”
- Hon. Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness
Provincial and territorial (PT) Health Ministers met on January 29, 2025, to address priorities to transform health systems and ensure that all Canadians have access to high-quality health care. They discussed various timely health topics, including health workforce challenges, mental health and substance use, the Canada Health Act Services Policy, and access to publicly funded medicines.
The Health Ministers’ meeting included a roundtable on key issues and challenges in health care. Ministers exchanged information about recently implemented solutions in their respective jurisdictions, learning from each other’s successful strategies to address common problems.
Ministers also engaged in a productive discussion regarding the current state of federal-provincial-territorial relations and bilateral agreements in health care. They reiterated that, to improve health care for all Canadians, the federal government needs to use its health funding to directly support, sustain and enhance the health services and initiatives of provinces and territories. Provinces and territories are responsible for health care delivery, and design programs and services that address the unique health care needs and priorities of their residents.
Ministers emphasized that there is no single approach to address health system challenges in Canada, as provinces and territories vary in their legislative, infrastructural, and economic contexts.
Our publicly funded health care systems are built around the principles of public administration, comprehensiveness, universality, portability, and accessibility. PTs have the responsibility for delivering health care services to residents and for ensuring the long-term sustainability of our health systems. The PTs discussed the increased need for sustainable federal funding support for all aspects of the health system.
To this end, PTs are continuously looking for ways to innovate in our health systems to align with present and future realities of the health care landscape, and to ensure residents receive the right care in the right place from the right provider, including in collaborative team-based care environments.
PTs expect a federal partner that meaningfully engages and financially supports publicly funded health care systems, encourages innovation, supports PT strategies to improve access to health care, and understands the evolving nature of health systems. PTs called on the federal government specifically to uphold its funding obligations to Indigenous Peoples. It is recognized that PTs are providing additional resources because of federal funding shortfalls, including mental health and addiction recovery, and medical travel.
Canadians expect all orders of government to work together to improve our health care systems while upholding the principles of our universal health care system.
Provincial and territorial Health Ministers tasked senior officials to examine the current intergovernmental health landscape and develop strategic options for future federal-provincial-territorial engagement. The priority is to strengthen pan-Canadian collaboration to improve health care access, delivery and health outcomes for all Canadians through their respective jurisdictions.
A portion of the meeting was devoted to a discussion on mental health and addiction related issues faced in communities across the country. Ministers responsible for Mental Health and Substance Use explored establishing a dedicated mental health, addiction and recovery forum that is distinct from the Health Ministers table. Ministers also considered the risks versus benefits of broadening prescribing powers for narcotics to other health care professionals and recognized the need for substantive consultation, and for effective regulation by PTs within their areas of jurisdiction.
Ministers also gained insights into transformative health care work through a presentation from the Nova Scotia Health Innovation Hub. Dr. Michael Dunbar and Dr. Emily Johnson highlighted the impact of innovation in shaping the future of orthopedic care.
The Health Ministers’ Meeting marked the end of Nova Scotia’s term as chair of the provincial-territorial health table. The Province of Alberta is set to take on the chair role next.
“Provinces and territories are committed to ensuring Canadians can access the care they need through effective health care systems. It is essential we continue working together across jurisdictions to build constructive relationships with our federal counterparts that result in adequate, long-term funding for our unique PT healthcare systems.”
- Hon. Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness
NOTE: Ontario is not a party to this communiqué as it is in an election period.