Meeting of Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)

NEWS RELEASE – Environment Ministers Discuss Climate Change and Clean Air

Montréal, QC –  October 3, 2016 – Federal, provincial and territorial environment  ministers met today in Montréal to advance the development of a pan Canadian  Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

"We  have a historic opportunity for a sustained transition to a low-carbon, clean  growth and climate resilient economy. This includes substantial reductions of  greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors coupled with investments in and  measures to build resilience to the impacts of climate change," said David  Heurtel, Québec's Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and the  Fight Against Climate Change, who hosted his colleagues at the annual meeting  of CCME.

Last  March, in the Vancouver Declaration, First Ministers agreed to develop a pan  Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change to achieve Canada's  international commitments in the Paris Accord.   They agreed to implement policies in support of meeting or exceeding  Canada's 2030 target of a 30% reduction below 2005 levels of emissions.

First  Ministers also committed to transitioning to a low carbon economy by adopting a  broad range of domestic measures, including carbon-pricing mechanisms adapted  to each province's and territory's specific circumstances, in particular the  realities of the Indigenous peoples of Canada and Arctic and sub Arctic  regions.

As  part of this process, Ministers reviewed reports on carbon pricing mechanisms,  specific mitigation opportunities, and adaptation and climate resilience  prepared by three federal-provincial-territorial working groups. The reports of  the working groups will be released by the end of October.

Based  on the options presented by working groups, Ministers discussed collaborative  actions and will provide their input to First Ministers on the pan Canadian  Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.   Environment Ministers recognized that the unique circumstances of the  territories, including the high cost of living, challenges with food security,  and emerging economies means that a range of different policy options for  reducing emissions will be considered. First Ministers will reconvene this fall  to conclude the framework.

Ministers  met with representatives of the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit  Kanatami, and the Métis National Council to discuss their ideas and to share  perspectives about the opportunities and challenges as Canada moves to a  stronger, more resilient, low-carbon economy. Ministers thanked these national  Indigenous organizations for their continuing participation in the development  of a pan Canadian framework and recognized the importance of continued ongoing  collaboration as we move forward.

Ministers  would like to thank Canadians who contributed their thoughts and advice to the  working groups, noting that the engagement of citizens in developing a pan  Canadian framework is essential, as climate change touches every industry and  household in Canada.

"Our  discussions today demonstrate our commitment to working together and joining  forces to ensure a flexible, joint and complementary approach to fighting  climate change based on the leadership, actions and specific circumstances of  each jurisdiction," said Minister Heurtel. "This will allow us to make further  progress on emissions reduction, resilience, and transition to a low-carbon  economy, consistent with the commitments made in Paris."

Ministers  will continue to collaborate on several climate change projects through CCME,  including developing:

  • an  approach to inventories and projections that will improve the consistency of  greenhouse gas emissions tracking and reporting;
  • tools  to plan for changes in the frequency and intensity of droughts and floods; and
  • guidance  for sampling soils and groundwater at contaminated sites in permafrost.

As  a part of the continuing implementation of the Air Quality Management System  (AQMS), Ministers  took action to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions.  These emissions are linked to respiratory  health problems, particularly for children and adults with asthma, and  environmental impacts such as acid rain and smog.

Ministers  announced new Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) for sulphur  dioxide, that will drive the improvement of air quality across the country.  These standards were developed through a collaborative process that included  industry associations, non-governmental organizations, indigenous organizations  and governments.

The  AQMS is a comprehensive and harmonized approach to air quality management  across Canada that considers all sources of air pollution. Québec supports the  general objectives of the AQMS, but has already implemented its own regulation  and is collaborating with jurisdictions on developing some elements of the  system, notably air zones and airsheds.  

At  the conclusion of the meeting British Columbia Minister of Environment Mary  Polak took over the Presidency of CCME from Minister Heurtel.

CCME  is the primary minister-led intergovernmental forum for collective action on  environmental issues of national and international concern. CCME is  comprised of the environment ministers from the federal, provincial and  territorial governments.

Vancouver  Declaration  ( )


Michael  Goeres
Executive Director
CCME Secretariat
(204) 948-2172

Émilie Simard
Press Officer
Office  of the Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight  Against Climate Change
(418)  521-3911