2016 Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference

NEWS RELEASE – Federal, Provincial and Territorial Energy and Mines Ministers Agree to Collaborate on Priorities for the Upcoming Year

August 23, 2016 - Winnipeg                                  

Public trust in the  sustainable development of natural resources is essential to moving resource  projects forward, creating jobs and regional economic development  opportunities, and transitioning towards a low-carbon economy.

Canada's federal,  provincial and territorial energy and mines ministers met this week in Winnipeg  for the annual Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference. The conference theme -  Enhancing Public Confidence in Canada's Natural Resource Sectors - underscored  the need to ensure that economic growth and environmental stewardship go hand  in hand.

The ministers agreed on the importance of strengthening public  confidence in the natural resource sectors through enhanced community  engagement, science and evidence-based decision-making, robust regulatory  frameworks and improving environmental performance, including oversight and  safety of Canada's pipeline safety regimes.

The ministers recognized that development of natural resources and  related infrastructure must always be in compliance with the highest standards  for public safety and environmental protection, which are the foundation of a  clean growth economy. Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to bring Canada's  natural resources to domestic and international markets as a key element in  supporting long-term job creation and economic growth while strengthening  access to energy.

Ministers had the opportunity to exchange perspectives with Indigenous  peoples about some of the challenges and opportunities relating to energy and  mineral development and regulation. Discussion was held about possible ways to  improve engagement with Indigenous leaders around Energy and Mines Ministers'  Conferences.

To support public confidence, ministers agreed to build on the work of  the past year and develop a joint action plan that includes a common narrative  and is based on the following principles:

  • Foster relationships       and partnerships through early and sustained engagement and collaboration;
  • Improve the       communication and transparency of data and regulatory processes;
  • Balance community       interests and mitigate environmental and health impacts through regulation       and legislation; and,
  • Support science and       innovation to inform decisions and enhance environmental performance.

The ministers discussed the Government of Canada's comprehensive review  of federal environmental and regulatory processes, including its plans to  modernize the National Energy Board. Ministers committed to working together to  ensure that provincial and territorial perspectives are reflected in the  ongoing review of federal regulatory processes, including on issues of: safety  and environmental protection, Indigenous and local community consultation,  delivering economic benefits, minimizing duplication on project reviews,  investor confidence, competitiveness and timeliness. The ministers also  recognized that collaborative approaches to innovation and the development of  clean technologies can encourage clean growth in the minerals and energy  sectors across Canada.

The ministers also publicly released the major projects summary report,  which indicates that 421 major natural resource projects are planned or under  construction over the next ten years, representing $691 billion in potential  investment.


With regard to energy, ministers affirmed  that strengthening collaboration between governments will be critical to ensuring that Canada's energy  sectors remain globally competitive and to supporting the transition to a  low-carbon economy. In this regard, ministers committed to the following:

  • In the area       of energy efficiency, ministers agreed to a framework and action plan on       energy efficiency standards for appliances and equipment, which can lower       energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions across Canada;
  • On       electricity and strategic infrastructure, ministers agreed to explore       collaboration on new and enhanced inter-jurisdictional electricity       transmission interties, smart electricity grids and charging or refuelling       stations for alternative-fuel vehicles, which can be a key tool in       supporting clean growth, opening up new markets and reducing greenhouse gas       emissions;
  • On       technology and innovation, ministers welcomed the work of the innovation       clusters on distributed power generation and shale resources, and noted       that these clusters are an effective mechanism for collaboration that can       encourage federal, provincial and territorial governments and other       stakeholders to leverage each other's expertise and resources. Ministers       also agreed to explore collaboration opportunities in clean technology;       and
  • On       international energy cooperation, ministers discussed how collaborative       efforts across governments will support commitments made at the recent       North American Leaders' Summit, including the North American target for       clean power, ambitious goals to integrate our transportation networks,       increased cross-border transmission of clean energy and enhanced       resiliency of the North American electricity grid. Ministers committed to       enhance partnership and collaboration on international energy issues to open new markets and position Canada       as a global energy leader. Ministers also committed to explore mechanisms and opportunities for       provinces and territories to collaborate in international fora, joint       missions and discussions on energy, including Mission Innovation.

Provincial and territorial ministers also  welcomed the collaboration of the federal government in the implementation of  the Canadian Energy Strategy on specific initiatives in the areas of energy  efficiency, energy technology and innovation, and energy delivery. This  collaboration includes a commitment to reduce diesel use in Indigenous, remote  and off-grid communities, and to convene a Pan-Canadian Summit to identify  options to improve access to diesel alternatives. Consistent with the Vancouver  Declaration, Canadian Energy Strategy work will also contribute to the  development of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Mineral Development

The ministers reaffirmed the  fundamental importance of Canada's exploration, mining and mineral processing  industry to our economy, our financial sector and to our remote and indigenous  communities. Maintaining and enhancing Canada's attractiveness as a global  mining and exploration destination are critical to the health of our economy  and to the ongoing development of our country.

Recognizing the importance  of Canada's junior exploration and mining sector in identifying and developing  the next generation of economic mineral deposits, the ministers committed to  seeking out opportunities for collaboration to enhance mineral geoscience  programs across jurisdictions and to expanding the availability of public  geoscience data to help facilitate grassroots exploration by the junior mining  sector.

Canada's federal, provincial  and territorial mines ministers emphasized the importance of promoting stable,  coordinated and supportive regulatory regimes governing our nation's abundant  resources and the importance of extensive and reliable networks of  infrastructure.

Ministers recognized the  need to build on Canada's reputation as a global leader in environmental  performance and worker health safety standards. Ministers committed to continue  identifying new and innovative methods for managing environmental liability and  to developing a consistent and transparent methodology for calculating mine  reclamation security, including the total amount of liability that  exists. 

The ministers also  encouraged industry leaders to promote innovation and enhance opportunities for  the development, deployment and commercialization of green mining technology to  continue improving the environmental performance and competitiveness of  Canadian mining companies and ensure healthy ecosystems for future generations.

The Mining Sector  Performance Report was also tabled for release at the ministers' meeting. This  report is produced every three years and tracks progress with a set of  economic, social and environmental indicators and helps to identify areas for  collaborative efforts.

Looking  ahead

These actions, taken by federal, provincial and territorial governments,  will promote Canada's role as a global supplier of natural resources while  ensuring long-term economic prosperity for all Canadians.

The ministers will meet again in August 2017 in St. Andrews, New  Brunswick, for the next Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference.


"The natural  resource sectors are an important source of jobs and benefits to the middle  class. We will continue to work with various levels of government, Indigenous  groups, industry and other stakeholders to ensure that Canada's resource  sectors remain sustainable, globally competitive and sources of jobs and  economic growth, now and into the future."

Jim Carr
Canada's Minister of Natural Resources

"Innovative  partnerships between governments, Indigenous communities, industry and other  stakeholders are critical as we move toward the creation of a sustainable and  prosperous energy and mines sector in Canada. This week's meetings allowed  energy and mines ministers from every region of our country to share how they  are pursuing our common goals of strengthened communities, diversified  economies and enhanced quality of life for all Canadians."

Cliff Cullen
Minister of Growth,  Enterprise and Trade for Manitoba

Related products

Energy and Mines Ministers'  Conference 2016 - Mining
Energy and Mines Ministers'  Conference 2016 - Energy

Associated Links

NRCan's EMMC web page [http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/publications/11102]

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Alexandre Deslongchamps
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister
Natural Resources Canada

Media Relations
Natural Resources Canada

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John B. Thorpe
Communications  Coordinator
Communications  Services Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

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