Provincial-Territorial Ministerial Conference on Francophone Affairs


Ministers and elected representatives responsible for Francophone Affairs in the provinces and territories today signed a declaration of principles recognizing that government leadership is vital to the future of the Canadian Francophonie.

This is one of the key outcomes of today’s provincial and territorial session of the seventh Ministerial Conference on Francophone Affairs in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

By signing and releasing this statement, the provincial and territorial representatives want to emphasize and formally recognize elements that are key to the development of the Francophone and Acadian communities. Thus, they are expressing their desire that Francophones and Acadians live and achieve their full potential both individually and collectively in French in every Canadian province and territory.

The Government of Quebec, committed to the preservation and development of the French language and culture, was present at this provincial-territorial session and joined in the declaration of principles.

Participants at today’s session also focussed on intergovernmental cooperation to advance Francophone issues and reaffirmed their commitment to collaborate strategically and share resources between their governments.

Provincial and territorial ministers and elected representatives will work to promote the expertise, institutions, and organizations of Francophone and Acadian communities and ensure their participation in the planning and implementation of cooperation projects.

Mr. Tom Lush, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister for Newfoundland and Labrador and chair of the Conference, said: “This session was extremely productive and has allowed for an open discussion on the issue of governmental leadership as a contributor to the further enhancement and development of our Francophone and Acadian communities. Working together has provided us with a better understanding of the key concerns facing Francophones and Acadians across Canada.”

The Conference continues on Friday, October 4 with a federal/provincial/territorial session.