Canadian Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference – Federal-Provincial-Territorial Meeting of Mines Ministers


WINNIPEG — The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of    Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister    of Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, today signed the renewal of the Intergovernmental    Geoscience Accord.

The agreement defines the complementary roles and responsibilities of governments    with respect to geoscience. Renewal of the Intergovernmental Geoscience Accord    will ensure that governments in Canada continue to work together to give Canadians    accurate geoscience information.

“Reliable, up-to-date information about our landmass is essential to    make decisions that are environmentally, economically and socially sound,”    said Minister Dhaliwal. “This Accord formalizes the good working relationships    among geological survey organizations and allows each to focus on its strengths,    while encouraging a free flow of knowledge and expertise.”

Geoscientific information is critical to maintaining the standard of living    of Canadians. It enables Canada to continue to manage its energy and mineral    resources in a responsible manner and to properly understand key components    of many environmental, water, climate change and land-use issues.

The Government of Canada, through NRCan’s Geological Survey of Canada,    carries out national geoscience programs to define the geology and resources    of Canada. Provincial and territorial geological agencies carry out programs    specific to the economic development and management of their own jurisdictions.

“Our provincial and territorial programs are largely directed toward    sustainable economic development and are closely linked to local needs. They    are also related to provincial and territorial land use and social issues,”    said Minister Mihychuk. “This agreement is an invaluable tool that promotes    seamless access to geoscience information by industry and government decision    makers, regardless of the source of the information.”

The purpose of the Accord is to foster good working relationships among government    geological survey organizations in Canada, focusing on their strengths and increasing    their effectiveness by

  • defining their different but complementary roles and responsibilities;
  • outlining principles of cooperation to optimize the use of their resources;      and
  • establishing mechanisms for cooperation and collaboration among the organizations.

The original Accord, signed in 1996, has facilitated numerous cooperative    field projects. It also helped make possible the Canadian Geoscience Knowledge    Network, which is making geoscience knowledge from all government geological    survey agencies across Canada available through the Internet.

The renewal of this Accord builds upon the Government of Canada’s commitment    to supporting research and development that creates a world-leading economy    driven by innovation, ideas and talent.

Minister Dhaliwal is in Winnipeg to attend the Energy and Mines Ministers’    Conference, which he is co-chairing with his counterparts from Manitoba: Minister    Mihychuk; the Honourable Oscar Lathlin, Minister of Conservation; and the Honourable    Greg Selinger, Minister responsible for Manitoba Hydro.

“The Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference is a forum for advancing    our shared vision of energy, minerals and metals sectors that are strong, competitive    and sustainable,” said Minister Dhaliwal. “It gives us an opportunity    to address key issues in the wise use and development of our resource sectors.    Together, we can ensure that these resources continue to contribute to the high    quality of life of all Canadians, now and in the future.”

For more information, media may contact:

Heather Bala
           Director of Communications
           Office of the Minister
           Natural Resources Canada
           (613) 996-7252
Ronuk Modha
           Cabinet Communications
           Executive Council
           Province of Manitoba
           (204) 945-1494