London, August 10, 2001-- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Sport, Fitness and Recreation met in London today. This Conference, scheduled to coincide with opening of the Canada Summer Games on August 11th, provided the Ministers with the opportunity to discuss the elements in a proposed Canadian Sport Policy, the future of the Canada Games, ethics in sport, the progress made towards the five-year target to reduce high levels of physical inactivity in Canada by 10% between 1998 and 2003, and the status of Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) sport and recreation initiatives.
The Ministers reviewed the work that has been done on the Canadian Sport Policy and approved a work plan that will produce a final version of the policy for Ministers' approval by April 2002. Ministers also decided to retain the existing and successful funding approach to the Canada Games post 2009 and, buoyed by the success of the Canada Games, asked officials to develop for their consideration a list of which provinces and territories will host them after this date.
Ministers also took a significant step towards entrenching ethical behaviour in sport by adopting the precedent setting London Declaration, entitled "Expectations For Fairness in Sport" (attached). The Declaration illustrates the Ministers' commitment to the importance of ethics in sport and reflects their expectations that sport can help to make significant changes in attitudes, values and behaviours in society. To this end, Ministers directed their officials to begin developing a comprehensive "Canadian Strategy on Ethical Conduct in Sport". This will include further specification of the roles and responsibilities of governments and key stakeholders in the ongoing fight against doping in sport domestically and on the world stage.
The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to addressing unacceptably low levels of physical activity among the population. They approved a comprehensive, two year work plan for governments aimed at reducing physical inactivity levels. They also endorsed a status report on progress made towards the 10% target and stressed the public health burden of physical inactivity. The physical inactivity work plan includes initiatives targeting disadvantaged children, youth and other Canadians, enhancing the Physical Activity Benchmarks Program, promoting and distributing a guide for children and youth, and agreeing to improve coordination in the area of public communications that would better inform, educate and motivate Canadians to make physical activity part of daily living.
A number of Ministers see an opportunity to discuss these issues at the forthcoming conference on the National Recreation Roundtable on Active School Communities, to be held in PEI on October 18-20, 2001. Ministers also agreed that governments will focus on removing barriers to participation in physical activity faced by most Canadians and help create environments for active living.
Quebec, for its part, reiterated that it will pursue its internal objectives concerning the reduction of physical inactivity, which are based on the Kino-Quebec program action plan.
Ministers also reaffirmed their commitment to the development of Aboriginal sport and recreation. They agreed to work in their own jurisdictions and in partnership with other government organizations, local communities and First Nations to further develop sport and recreation opportunities in Aboriginal communities. Ministers also approved time-lines for the development of a multi-party funding framework for the North American Indigenous Games and agreed to conduct bi-annual surveys of F-P/T Aboriginal sport initiatives and to monitor their status on an ongoing basis.
The Ministers committed to meeting annually and concentrating on joint actions in sport, fitness and recreation in order to maximize possible benefits. Ministers were unanimous in expressing their conviction that coordinating and promoting programs that serve to increase participation levels in sport and recreation are powerful interventions which aim to improve the health of Canadians. Other immediate tasks the Ministers set for themselves include the completion and implementation of the Canadian Sport Policy and the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Action Plan by linking them to the related plans of individual governments and by negotiating the necessary bilateral agreements. They also stressed the importance of extending the impact of their initiatives by collaborating with other sectors, such as health and education, within their respective jurisdictions.
The Ministers next meeting will be held in April 2002 in Nunavut.
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"Expectations for Fairness in Sport"
A Declaration, enacted by the Federal-Provincial/Territorial Sport Ministers
At their 2001 Conference, August 10, 2001, London, Ontario
The Federal and Provincial/Territorial Sport Ministers believe that Canadians share a vision that ethics and ethical behaviour are integral to sport. The Ministers endorse this vision, which requires that: |
Principle |
Participants |
Reciprocity |
Barriers |
Spectators |
Coaches |
Officials |
Volunteers |
Parents/ |
Dispute Resolution |
Behaviour |
Transparency |