Meeting of the Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers and the Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers


St. John’s, NL –  Federal, provincial and  territorial fisheries and aquaculture ministers  concluded the  Ministers’ meeting of the Canadian and Atlantic Councils of  Fisheries  and Aquaculture Ministers (CCFAM and ACFAM) today in St. John’s,   Newfoundland. The CCFAM Ministers agreed to focus on collaboration in  four key  areas: aquaculture;  trade; seafood traceability; and aquatic  invasive species. ACFAM Ministers agreed  to continue to work  collaboratively on these same issues as well as on  improved seal  industry marketing and development, and implementation of the  lobster  support package, from an industry viability perspective.    

The meeting was jointly chaired by  the Honourable Clyde  Jackman, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture for  Newfoundland and  Labrador, and the Honourable Gail Shea, federal Minister of  Fisheries  and Oceans.     

“My colleagues and I have committed to ensuring  that Canada  maximizes its fisheries potential,” said Minister Shea. “I am  pleased  to be working collaboratively with the provinces and territories on   innovative projects that are key to encouraging the development  prospects of our  coastal communities.”    

“It was a pleasure to host my colleagues from  across the  country here in St. John’s,” said Minister Jackman. “It is important  that we have an opportunity to discuss  mutually relevant issues,  particularly during such a challenging time for the  fishing industry. I  am sure that our discussions will be beneficial to  our respective  jurisdictions.We addressed  some key issues related to aquaculture  development and I am particularly pleased to see that my colleagues   agreed to continue their support of the sealing industry and lobster  fishery.”    


   At the meeting, Ministers  endorsed the National  Aquaculture Strategic Action Plan Initiative (NASAPI),  which provides a  framework for federal, provincial, and territorial governments  to work  cooperatively to develop Canada’s potential in the aquaculture sector  in  an environmentally responsible way and in a manner that respects the   jurisdiction of both orders of government. Ministers  recognize the  important economic benefits this industry provides to coastal   communities. Ministers committed to closer collaboration  across  jurisdictions, in order to support environmentally responsible growth of   the aquaculture industry.    

Ministers also directed their officials to continue their  important work on addressing  international requirements for seafood  certification and traceability.

 “Our Government has made progress  on trade and traceability  issues,” said Minister Shea. “Funds committed in the Government  of  Canada Budget 2010 will allow us to continue to issue catch certificates   to Canadian companies seeking to export fish and seafood products to  the  European Union and other important markets. Our catch certificates  attest that Canadian  seafood products come from a properly licenced,  regulated and reported fishery  that is regularly monitored and  audited.” 

   Presenters at the CCFAM meeting included Michael Gardner,  President of  Gardner-Pinfold Consulting and Dr. Hugh MacIsaac, Chairman  of the Canadian  Aquatic Invasive Species Network and professor at the  University of Windsor.  Mr. Gardner provided an  analysis of the various  approaches to  fisheries management, including their benefits and  challenges. Dr. MacIsaac gave insight into the ecological and  economic  threats posed by aquatic invasive species, and what governments can do   to prevent these species from spreading.

   Ministers also discussed ACFAM  issues of importance for  Atlantic Canada, Québec and Nunavut.  At the  previous ACFAM meeting in  February 2010, Ministers increased coordination among  governments on  programs to assist the lobster fishery.  Today, they received an update  on these  federal and provincial programs. Ministers committed to  continue to help this  fishery and ensure its long-term sustainability  and economic  prosperity. 

ACFAM Ministers discussed a  range of activities underway that will  contribute to a sustainable seal  industry, including market  development, broadening the array of seal products  available for  market, engaging the sealing industry, and strengthening its   professionalization.   

“The Government of Canada is  committed to the long-term  sustainability and profitability of a humane seal harvest  so that it  continues to provide economic opportunities for our remote coastal  and  Northern communities” said Minister Shea. “I am very pleased to report  that  we are making concrete progress on this matter.”

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       Frank Stanek
           Media Relations
           Fisheries and Oceans Canada



Lori Lee Oates
           Director of Communications
           Department of Fisheries and    Aquaculture
           709-729-3733, 690-8403



Nancy Bishay
           Director of Communications
           Office of the Minister
           Fisheries and Oceans Canada