The day-long meeting is co-hosted by the Honourable Archie Lang, Yukon’s Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Honourable Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Also attending are the Honourable Jim Antoine, Northwest Territories Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and the Honourable Olayuk Akesuk, Nunavut’s Minister of Sustainable Development.
“This conference is a key opportunity to exchange views with my territorial colleagues, mining industry representatives, Aboriginal leaders and environmental advocates on how we can continue to work together to promote a healthy northern mining industry which will attract investors and provide sustainable economic and employment opportunities in the North,” said Minister Nault.
“The territories have an abundance of world-class mineral deposits and resources, with excellent exploration prospects," Minister Lang said. “Governments' ongoing support for a responsible, robust mining industry will help Canada's North achieve its potential.”
“The mining industry is a driving force in the economy of the Northwest Territories and has contributed to a GDP growth, which in recent years, has exceeded all other Canadian jurisdictions,” said Jim Antoine, Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. “This growth generates prosperity for the territories, the provinces and the federal government. But it also raises new issues and challenges, and an urgent requirement for enhanced co-operation to address them.”
“A key theme from last year's conference was the need to map the geology of the North. We are committed to working with INAC and the Geological Survey of Canada to advance this important task in order to encourage mineral exploration and ultimately promote economic opportunities for Nunavummiut," said Minister Akesuk.
The conference is a forum for representatives from the mining industry, Aboriginal organizations and governments, and environmental groups to dialogue and share their views with the ministers responsible for mining in the North. During the conference, the ministers will hear presentations from several of these stakeholder groups and then meet privately to discuss these and other mining-related issues.
The first Northern Mines Ministers’ Conference was held in Yellowknife in April 2002 in response to recommendations by the Industry Government Overview Committee (IGOC). IGOC proposed a federal-territorial forum to review mining issues and work towards encouraging investment in northern mineral development. IGOC’s membership includes representatives of the mining industry, the territorial governments, northern Aboriginal organizations, Natural Resources Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
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The conference agenda and related information is available on the Internet at:
For more information, please contact:
Diane Laursen
Media Relations Officer
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(819) 994-2044
Laurie Sthamann
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
Government of the Yukon
(867) 667-3163