Winnipeg, May 13, 1998 -- Ministers responsible for marine and inland fisheries met in Winnipeg, Manitoba today to review the status of issues covered at the last National Conference of Fisheries Ministers (NCFM) in St. John's, Newfoundland last October.
The meeting was hosted by J. Glen Cummings, Minister of Manitoba Natural Resources and co-chaired by David Anderson, Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
Freshwater activity was one of the themes discussed at the meeting. Ministers noted the importance of freshwater resources to Canada and the need for a collaborative research program to address issues of common concern. A highlight of the meeting was the signing of a memorandum of understanding on freshwater research by the federal government and the three Prairie provinces.
"The signing of the memorandum of understanding with the three Prairie provinces signals a new era of federal and provincial cooperation and partnering in freshwater activities", Mr. Cummings said.
"This agreement provides a mechanism for both the federal and provincial governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to identify common fisheries priorities and harmonize program operations in a new partnering arrangement that will make the most efficient use of available research funds," Mr. Anderson said. "I look forward to concluding a similar agreement with the Province of Ontario".
Other key developments were:
Provinces and territories again stressed the importance of the fisheries to the economic base of coastal communities and stated that they must have meaningful input and a strong role in partnership arrangements.
Mr. Anderson indicated that a number of concerns were also expressed to him by stakeholders and the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans. He stated his expectation that the Fisheries Act legislation would be introduced this Fall after further consultations. Discussions on the delegation of certain habitat responsibilities will continue over the Summer.
Newfoundland and Labrador, supported by Nova Scotia and other provinces and territories, raised concerns about the growth of seal herds on the Atlantic coast which are preventing the recovery of fish stocks. Ministers requested immediate action to address the problem.
The next meeting of the National Conference of Fisheries Ministers will be held in Victoria this Fall.