Ministers of education, through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), took an important step today in the area of curriculum. The release of Common framework of science outcomes, K to 12 has been set for October 15, 1997. The framework defines the skills, attitudes, and knowledge for students from Kindergarten to grade 12, that will contribute to scientific literacy. It is intended for use by curriculum developers in each province and territory. This is the first time that such work has been undertaken by education ministries and departments in Canada. All provinces and territories except Quebec participated in the development of the framework.
The Report on Education in Canada, 1997 is also scheduled for release later this year. For the second time, the CMEC will release a four-page document in newspaper format giving an overview of education in Canada. The report provides data and facts on two major themes: the changing social and economic context of education and transitions from school to work. Release is set for early November and is expected to reach a wide audience with all education ministries and departments cooperating with a wide variety of NGO's in the distribution.
Ministers also confrmed that plans for the Third National Forum on Education are proceeding well. The theme of the forum, to be held in St. John's, Newfoundland at the end of May 1998, is transitions, including transitions into and through the education systems, and between school and the world of work. Some 300 participants from all sectors of Canadian society are expected to attend the event.
"I am proud that these three projects are moving ahead, and as I pass the role of Chair to my colleague, the Honourable Paul Ramsey, these stand as excellent examples of what we can do through working together," said the Honourable J. Chester Gillan, outgoing Chair of CMEC, and Minister of Education for Prince Edward Island.
CMEC is an intergovernmental body made up of the ministers of education and advanced education from the provinces and territories. Through CMEC, ministers share information and undertake projects in areas of mutual interest and concern.
Lara Inglis, CMEC 252 Bloor West, Suite 5-200, Toronto, Canada M5S 1V5 Té1éphone 416-964-2551 Fax 416-964-2296
Tel.: (416) 964-2551, ext. 256
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