Provincial-Territorial Committee of Ministers on Internal Trade

NEWS RELEASE – Provinces and Territories Commit to Further Reduction of Internal Trade Barriers

Manitoba Premier Gary Doer and New Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord reported today that all provinces and territories have reaffirmed their commitment to move ahead with needed reductions in barriers to trade within Canada.

With a mandate from the newly-created Council of the Federation, the two Premiers chaired a special meeting of Ministers responsible for Internal Trade in Montreal.

During the meeting, all Ministers emphasized the vital importance of making fast progress in removing remaining barriers to trade between the jurisdictions. Currently domestic trade in Canada totals around $200 billion a year.

``We are extremely pleased by the determination of all provinces and territories to move ahead quickly,`` Premier Lord said. ``Clearly, there is renewed momentum, and the will right across the country to address remaining barriers.``

Premier Doer concurred. ``Today`s meeting was highly successful from several perspectives. It was an essential step forward in reinvigorating the process and we should now be able to take positive action in the coming months.``

Following today`s meeting, the two Premiers will prepare a report and draft workplan with specific timelines for review by all Premiers at the meeting of the Council of the Federation in late February.

The two premiers will ensure that consultation with interested national organizations and others takes place during the preparation of their report to their colleagues.