Provincial-Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal


ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. - October 6, 1997 -- The Provincial/Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal met today to follow up on direction provided by Premiers at their annual meeting in August, at St. Andrews, N.B. A key requirement set by Premiers is to negotiate a new Federal/Provincial/Territorial framework agreement on roles and responsibilities in social policy. This should result in a new partnership approach to managing the social union in Canada, including new cooperative approaches to the federal government's use of its spending power in areas of Provincial/Territorial responsibility, alternatives to managing and resolving disputes, and common principles to guide social policy renewal.

"This Council, which plays a coordinating and leadership role in renewing social policy in Canada, recognizes the urgency of our work and we are determined to get on with the job," said Council chair Dr. Russell King from New Brunswick. "'The Provincial/Territorial governments' track record of achieving cooperation and consensus on the National Child Benefit serves us well in forging a new partnership to make the federation work better."

"A key issue for our governments is providing an alternative to unilateral decision-making by the federal government in areas where provinces and territories are responsible for delivering programs and services such as health care," Dr. King added.

As a result of their recent meeting in Calgary, Premiers will meet the Prime Minister later this year to discuss social policy renewal, youth employment and health care which were established by Premiers as priorities at their annual conference in St. Andrews. The First Ministers' meeting will provide an opportunity for both orders of government to move forward cooperatively.

Reflecting their sense of urgency, the Provincial/Territorial Ministerial Council concluded today's meeting by stating that prior to the First Ministers' meeting, they will discuss these issues with Hon. Pierre Pettigrew, co-chair of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal, to ensure that negotiations on a Federal/Provincial/Territorial framework agreement and other priority issues proceed as quickly as possible.

The Quebec government, while not a participant on the Council, had an observer at today's meeting.

For more information:

Gerald Weseen
Health and Community Services (N.B.)
(506) 453-2536