Meeting of Provincial-Territorial Ministers responsible for Aboriginal Affairs and Leaders of the National Aboriginal Organizations

OFFICIAL PHOTO – Ministers responsible for Aboriginal Affairs and Leaders of the National Aboriginal Organizations

The AAWG is composed of Ministers of Aboriginal Affairs from all Provinces and Territories and Leaders from five National Aboriginal Organizations (NAOs): the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP), Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), the Métis National Council (MNC), and the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC).

AAWA Ministers and NAO Leaders

Front row/ left to right: Minister Monsieur Geoffrey Kelly (QC), President Michelle Tania Audette (NWAC), Minister Honorable John Rustad (BC), Minister Honorable Eric Robinson (MB), Premier Honorable Robert Ghiz (PE), President Terry Audla (ITK).

Back row/ left to right: Legislative Secretary, Herb Cox (SK), President Melanie Omeniho (Women of the Metis Nation/MNC), National Chief Betty Ann Lavalee (CAP), Premier Peter Taptuna (NU), National Grand Chief Alexis Cameron (AFN), Premier Bob McLeod (NT), A/Minster Margret Miller (NS), President Clem Chartier (MNC).

AAWG Deputy Ministers and NAO Senior Officials

Front row/ left to right: Paula Vital - Cabinet Office (ONT), Robert Wavey - ED (MB), Peter Cunningham - ADM (BC), Alethea Foster - A/Provincial Interlocutor (SK), Julie Towers - CEO (NS), Claudette Dumont Smith - ED (NWAC),

Back row/ left to right: John Weinstein - Policy Advisor (MNC), M. Michel Letournea - DM (QC), Matt Maguire - DM (PE), Stephen Hendrie - ED (ITK), Joe MacGillivary DM (YK), Patrick Francis - DM (NB), Maritn Goldney - DM (NWT), Jim Devoe - CEO (CAP), Richard Nerysoo (AFN).