Halifax - October 28, 2002
The federal government has indicated that it intends to ratify the Kyoto Protocol before the end of this year. The federal framework on climate change, announced on October 28, does not as yet represent an adequate Canadian approach to reducing greenhouse gases in Canada*. Provinces and Territories desire a national plan.
Provinces and Territories see climate change as a serious global issue that requires immediate and continuing action to reduce Canada’s emissions.
Slowing, stopping and then reversing growth of green house gas emissions will require major changes for individual citizens and companies, in all Provinces and Territories.
Provinces and Territories have noted the federal framework, and agreed to invite the federal government to work collaboratively on a truly Canadian plan. Ministers reiterate the call by Premiers for a First Minister meeting on climate change prior to any federal decision on ratification of the Kyoto Protocol as set out in the Premiers’ Communique at the 2002 Annual Premiers’ Conference.
Provinces and Territories agree that the following points are the principles for a national plan:
- All Canadians must have an opportunity for full and informed input into the development of the plan.
- The plan must ensure that no region or jurisdiction shall be asked to bear an unreasonable share of the burden and no industry, sector or region shall be treated unfairly. The costs and impacts on individuals, businesses and industries must be clear, reasonable, achievable, and economically sustainable. The plan must incorporate appropriate federally funded mitigation of the adverse impacts of climate change initiatives.
- The plan must respect Provincial and Territorial jurisdiction.
- The plan must include recognition of real emission reductions that have been achieved since 1990 or will be achieved thereafter.
- The plan must provide for bilateral or multilateral agreements between Provinces and Territories, and with the federal government;
- The plan must ensure that no Province or Territory bears the financial risk of federal climate change commitments.
- The plan must recognize that benefits from assets such as forest and agricultural sinks must accrue to the Province and Territory which owns the assets.
- The plan must support innovation and new technology.
- The plan must maintain the economic competitiveness of Canadian business and industry.
- Canada must continue to demand recognition of clean energy exports.
- The plan must include incentives for all citizens, communities, businesses and jurisdictions to make the shift to an economy based on renewable and other clean energy, lower emissions and sustainable practices across sectors.
- The implementation of any climate change plan must include an incentive and allocation system that supports lower carbon emission sources of energy such as hydroelectricity, wind power generation, ethanol, and renewable and other clean sources of energy.
* The NWT reserves its position on the adequacy of the federal framework.