Joint Meeting of Energy and Environment Ministers


Ministers of Energy and Environment*:

  • gave final consideration to Canada’s National Implementation Strategy on Climate Change, and approved its public release as a key element of an integrated package to address climate change;
  • agreed to periodically review and update the National Implementation Strategy; and
  • directed officials to conduct analytical work under the Invest in Knowledge/Build the Foundation theme of the First National Business Plan on the issue of possible provincial/territorial or sectoral allocation of any Canadian target, and how any resulting burden would be shared. Analytical work will also include further development of options for future business plans, competitiveness issues, implementation in an integrated national, North American and international economy, disaggregation of modelling results and the discussion of future policy approaches such as domestic emissions trading.

* Except for Ontario



Ministers of Energy and the Environment*:

  • Agreed to submit the draft Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Climate Change for approval by their respective governments so that it can be ratified at the next Joint Meeting of Energy and Environment Ministers.

* Except for Ontario


  1. Ministers of Energy and Environment agreed to the First National Climate Change Business Plan.* They further agreed to release the First National Business Plan as a key element of an integrated package to address climate change. Where necessary, Ministers undertake to move forward proposed jurisdictional initiatives to their respective budget discussions.
  1. All jurisdictions have contributed actions that have been integrated into the First National Business Plan. The federal government and British Columbia have provided further details to their contributions. Quebec and Ontario have appended their plans. Moreover, all jurisdictions agree to share information and data with respect to standards applicable to GHG emissions reductions with a view to developing "exemplary practices" for consideration in the context of future business plans.
  1. The First National Business Plan is part of a series of annually updated three-year business plans to implement the National Implementation Strategy on Climate Change. Monitoring and reporting of overall progress is an integral part of the annually updated business plan activity. As part of the regular business planning cycle, Ministers will meet annually to approve a new business plan.

Cross Sectoral Actions

Baseline Protection Initiative

  1. Following national consultations with stakeholders and organizations on proposed rules and information requirements, Ministers are pleased to announce the implementation of the Baseline Protection Initiative. Effective March 1, 2001, companies can register their reductions with the Voluntary Challenge Registry (VCR) Inc. and/or ÉcoGESte in Québec.

Emission Reductions Pilots

  1. Ministers agreed to direct officials to develop a detailed program design for cost-shared pilots that would buy emission reductions in strategic areas, involving both a national approach as well as bilateral agreements with individual jurisdictions.

Interested governments can seek budgetary approval for implementation in the 2001-02 fiscal year.

* Except for Ontario


  1. Next Steps
  • Consistent with the Canada’s National Implementation Strategy and rolling business plan process, Ministers directed that work continue t
  • implement actions under the First National Business Plan, allowing for additional federal/provincial/territorial contributions;
  • develop a reporting framework to evaluate performance;
  • conduct analytical work under the Invest in Knowledge/Build the Foundation theme of the First National Business Plan on the issue of possible provincial/territorial or sectoral allocation of any Canadian target, and how any resulting burden would be shared. Analytical work will also include further development of options for future business plans, competitiveness issues, implementation in an integrated national, North American and international economy, disaggregation of modelling results and the discussion of future policy approaches such as domestic emissions trading; and
  • involve stakeholders, and the general public, on the climate change issue.


  1. Next JMM
  • Ministers agreed to meet again in 2001 to discuss progress on:
  • implementation of the First National Business Plan;
  • international negotiations and other developments; and
  • negotiation of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Climate Change