WHEREAS, in 2001, the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP) took on a leadership role in North America and in the World by adopting the NEG/ECP Climate Change Action Plan, the first ever regional partnership to address climate change and by unanimously agreeing on regional greenhouse gas emission targets for 2010, 2020 and 2050; and
WHEREAS, the NEG/ECP jurisdictions have maintained their leadership role throughout the years by adopting vanguard climate change policies, by significantly investing in energy efficiency measures and by increasing the amount of renewable energy sources since 2001; and
WHEREAS, according to the latest inventory on greenhouse gas emissions compiled for the region, the NEG/ECP has reached its first GHG target, namely to reduce the emissions to 1990 levels in 2010; and
WHEREAS, this major achievement was done while the region’s GDP grew by 60% from 1990 to 2010; and
WHEREAS, energy efficiency programs and renewable technology deployment offer significant opportunities to increase the number of well paid local green jobs in the region, enhance energy security, reduce production costs, and as such, make our industries more competitive; and
WHEREAS, even as the region reached its 2010 GHG target, considerable work remains to be done to reach 2020 and 2050 GHG reduction targets that will protect our citizens, our environment and contribute to economic growth.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NEG/ECP recognizes the remarkable progress made by the region to reach the 2010 GHG target and commends the fine work of its Climate Change Steering Committee (CCSC) and state and provincial agencies involved in the regional efforts; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDTHAT the NEG/ECP remains committed to leading nationally and internationally on climate change initiatives and directs the CCSC to review the regional action plan and present recommendations at the 37 th NEG-ECP meeting in 2013 that will put the region on the path toward achieving the GHG targets of 2020 and 2050; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDTHAT the NEG/ECP recognizes the need for an interim regional target for 2030, as stated in resolution 33-3, and direct the CCSC to consider appropriate targets in the revised action plan, keeping in mind the regional targets adopted in 2001 for 2020 and 2050; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDTHAT the CCSC is directed to enhance the links with private and/or non-governmental organizations specialized in the study of economic benefits of energy efficiency and conservation, GHG emission reductions, green technology deployment and community resiliency to extreme weather events, in order to stay informed of the latest developments that ensure public safety and help the region meet its environmental goals; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDTHAT the states and provinces in New England and Eastern Canada call on their respective federal governments to increase their support, both technically and financially, for jurisdictional and regional climate-related programs and initiatives, as they have proven to be extremely effective.
Adopted at the 36 th Annual Conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers in Burlington, Vermont, on July 30, 2012.