WHEREAS, the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers reaffirmed their commitment towards clean energy sources and a focus on regional opportunities to reduce GHG emissions during the 41st NEG/ECP Conference by way of the Regional Climate Change Action Plan;
WHEREAS, the governors and premiers adopted Resolution 39-1 in 2015 which presented a reduction marker for 2030 of reducing regional GHG emissions by at least 35 to 45% below 1990 levels;
WHEREAS, each jurisdiction throughout the region has ambitious goals of diversifying their energy production in order to create a resilient system;
WHEREAS, energy sources in the region are interdependent across borders;
WHEREAS, in recent years extreme temperatures have caused spikes in energy demand resulting in high energy costs for consumers and an increased reliance on energy sources with high GHG emission rates due to limited energy diversification and storage, particularly during winter periods;
WHEREAS, high energy costs affect consumers and economic competitiveness within each jurisdiction and identifying appropriate steps to promote energy affordability is a high priority for the region;
WHEREAS, diversifying the resource mix and deploying clean energy during extreme temperature events will increase energy affordability and environmental benefits;
WHEREAS, developments for new technologies in the energy storage field are advancing allowing for states and provinces to collaborate with universities and technological institutions in the region and open up energy storage applications;
WHEREAS, the region includes remote communities and facilities powered by diesel generation as they are not connected to the bulk electric grid;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the governors and premiers acknowledge the importance of encouraging policies that diversify resources and target affordable clean energy deployment, including during peak energy periods, enable energy storage technologies to participate in our energy markets, and reduce the use of diesel generation systems in remote regions;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT system planners and operators should strengthen and diversify the generation resource mix and storage capabilities to reduce energy cost pressures and for greater system resilience during periods of extended temperature extremes;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT clean energy resources necessary to serve winter peaks and reduce GHG emissions include on-shore and off-shore wind, large hydro, demand response, energy efficiency, and advanced battery and storage systems;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Northeast International Committee on Energy (NICE) will research policies to reduce barriers and improve operational standards for encouraging greater reliance on energy storage, resource diversity, and improve clean energy deployment, including in remote diesel generation systems within the region for greater system resilience during periods of extended temperature extremes.
Adopted at the 42nd Annual Conference of New England Governors and Canadian Eastern Premiers, in Stowe, Vermont, August 13, 2018.