WHEREAS, Canada and the United States have one of the most important economic partnerships in the world, supporting roughly 9 million jobs on both sides of the border;
WHEREAS, the value of bilateral trade in goods and services between Canada and the United States exceeded US $680 billion in 2017;
WHEREAS, free and open trade under the North American Free Trade Agreement has led to significant benefits for businesses, workers and communities in both countries;
WHEREAS, both New England and Eastern Canada benefit from economic integration which stimulates innovation, reduces production costs and increases the efficiency of supply chains; and the ongoing renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement offers an opportunity to further strengthen regional competitiveness to succeed in the ever-evolving global marketplace;
WHEREAS, the ongoing collaboration between governments in the Eastern Canadian provinces and the New England States remains essential to strengthening trade between member jurisdictions;
WHEREAS, governors and premiers acknowledge the economic interdependence across the region as well as the important contribution of secure cross-border trade to the prosperity of the states and provinces they represent;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT governors and premiers from the region are committed to exchanging information and considering strategies to help optimize outcomes of a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement that are in the best interest of both regions; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT governors and premiers encourage ongoing dialogue among elected officials, businesses and stakeholder groups in Canada and the United States to further promote cross-border trade, trade liberalization and North American cooperation.
Adopted at the 42nd Annual Conference of New England Governors and Canadian Eastern Premiers, in Stowe, Vermont, August 13, 2018.