WHEREAS , the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers has historically worked to promote reliable, secure and cost-effective energy supplies for the region; and
WHEREAS , the New England States and Eastern Canadian provinces have closely cooperated on energy matters in the past, and wish to reinforce and expand their joint efforts to resolve energy issues in the region; and
WHEREAS , the region’s energy portfolio has a significant impact on the region’s greenhouse gas emissions, and the energy choices made will play a critical role in meeting the greenhouse gas reduction targets adopted by the NEGC and ECP; and
WHEREAS , electricity generated using renewable sources of energy like hydro and wind power have the potential to offer a major contribution in mitigating the growth of the region’s consumption of fossil fuels, thus facilitating the achievement of greenhouse gas emissions targets; and
WHEREAS , energy is a fundamental component to the future prosperity and overall competitiveness of the region; and
WHEREAS , the already significant use of natural gas in our region is anticipated to increase in the next five to ten years, and the expansion of the region’s energy supply options and delivery infrastructure for natural gas will be required to meet this growing natural gas demand on a timely basis; and
WHEREAS , the need for reliable and economic solutions to natural gas supply issues can most effectively be resolved through joint regional planning and cooperation and addressing existing siting barriers; and
WHEREAS, there are concerns about a reliable energy supply in the region and opportunities exist to reduce demand through increased energy efficiency measures; and
WHEREAS , considerable opportunities exist to promote energy security through diversification of our fuel mix and an increased focus on renewable sources; and
WHEREAS, the NEG/ECP region needs to have a broad and varied approach for addressing future gas markets in the northeast, including both supply and demand responses; and
WHEREAS , the Northeast International Committee on Energy (NICE) was established in 1978 to monitor and act upon common energy issues, including natural gas developments, and resource and infrastructure development, in the northeast region; and
WHEREAS , the NICE conducted a highly successful Energy Dialogue in March 2006 in Providence, Rhode Island to bring together energy decision-makers and industry officials to address the natural gas markets and infrastructural needs in our region.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, will seek to mitigate future growth in electric energy demand through energy efficiency and demand response; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, set a goal of increasing the amount of new renewable generation in the region by at least 10% by 2020 and task its NICE committee to work on assessing the region’s portfolio of renewable resources and potential; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the NICE committee continue its Energy Dialogue forum in the coming year by hosting a symposium on renewable energy and energy efficiency options in New England and Eastern Canada; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a ministerial-level forum of energy and environment policymaking officials appointed by the governors and premiers be convened to develop protocols, structures and mechanisms for addressing energy issues on a regional level, including but not limited to trade, transmission, infrastructure expansion, renewables, conservation, energy efficiency, environment and alternative sources of energy, and report back with recommendations for action; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the NICE committee create a Regional Energy Portfolio Workgroup that would focus on promoting fuel diversity in the region and report back to the 31 st NEG/ECP Conference with recommendations for consideration by governors and premiers.
Adopted at the 30 th Annual Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, Newport, Rhode Island May 13, 2006.
Donald L. Carcieri
Governor of Rhode Island
Patrick Binns
Premier of Prince Edward Island