WHEREAS, Canada and the United States share a common border and enjoy the world’s most important trading relationship; and
WHEREAS, the customs and immigration policies of other continental trading blocks exist that promote and permit the free movement of their people, workers, goods, and services within their regions; and
WHEREAS, continuation of a free and open border is of utmost importance to the economic security of both Canada and the United States; and
WHEREAS, businesses and citizens have called for collective action from their governments to ensure free and open trade across the border is protected and promoted; and
WHEREAS, Governors and Premiers support enhanced collaboration and information sharing to address all of the aspects of the border including security, immigration, trade, movement of people, and infrastructure.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Premiers and Governors endorse the need to meet the security requirements of both Canada and the United States of America while building upon their historic trading relationship.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Premiers and Governors call upon their respective federal governments to work towards a continental approach to the internal freedom of movement of goods, services, people, and workers engaged in legitimate trade and travel across our borders while meeting continental security requirements.
Adopted at the 27th Annual Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, August 25-27, 2002.