Section 1: institutional GBA Plus governance and capacity


The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat’s (CICS) only program is to provide continuity of planning and archival services, and impartial logistical support, for federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) and provincial-territorial (PT) conferences of first ministers, ministers, and deputy ministers, throughout Canada.

CICS does not work directly with the public, nor does it choose its clientele in any sense; it works in close collaboration to support its clients which are other federal, provincial, and territorial government departments. CICS is called upon to respond to decisions taken by governments to meet on key national or specific issues; decisions concerning the content, participants, and location of such meetings are all factors beyond the control of the Secretariat.

GBA+ information is not collected, analyzed, or reported for CICS’ program.


CICS has included mandatory training on diversity and inclusion in all employees’ learning plans, in addition to quarterly all-staff diversity and inclusion learning sessions, to ensure that GBA Plus and inclusivity is being considered in its service delivery and policy development whenever possible. In 2023-24, CICS continued to promote learning and development opportunities to increase GBA Plus capacity, including promoting gender-neutral communication. Emphasis was placed on addressing accessibility barriers identified in our 2023-25 Accessibility Plan to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities to our conference and office environments.

Human resources (full-time equivalents) dedicated to GBA Plus

In 2023-24, CICS had 0.25 FTE dedicated to working on GBA Plus in the department.

Section 2: gender and diversity impacts, by program

Core responsibility: Intergovernmental Conference Services

Program name: Conference Services

Program goals: The program aims to provide logistical support and planning services for federal-provincial-territorial and provincial-territorial conferences of first ministers, ministers and deputy ministers, throughout Canada.

Target population: All Canadians, indirectly through the provision of conferencing support services to other federal, provincial, and territorial government departments and their associated first ministers, ministers and deputy ministers.

Key program impacts on gender and diversity

Not available. CICS has no direct impact on gender and diversity as it relates to its program.

GBA Plus data collection plan

Nothing to report for 2023–24. CICS does not work directly with the public, nor does it choose its clientele in any sense; it works in close collaboration to support its clients which are other federal, provincial, and territorial government departments. CICS is called upon to respond to decisions taken by governments to meet on key national or specific issues; decisions concerning the content, participants, and location of such meetings are all factors beyond the control of the Secretariat.