Green Procurement Reporting For Departments and Agencies Not Bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act

Target 7.2: Green Procurement
As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.
Performance indicator Targeted performance level
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014. March 31, 2016
Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in the given fiscal year. Number: 6
Percentage: 100%
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in the given fiscal year. Number: 1
Percentage: 100%
Departmental green procurement target
Management Processes and Controls
Performance indicator Targeted performance level
CICS will maximize the use of PWGSC procurement instruments such as standing offers and supply arrangements. CICS will continue to review and update internal processes and controls in order to integrate environmental considerations. 75%
Departmental green procurement target
Performance indicator Targeted performance level
CICS has ensured that all staff with procurement responsibilities completed the CSPS course C215. CICS will also require that all new staff with procurement responsibilities complete the course within three months of being hired. 90%
Departmental green procurement target
Performance Evaluations
Performance indicator Targeted performance level
CICS will ensure that an objective to include environmental considerations in procurement activities is integrated into individual performance evaluations. 2
Implementation strategy element or best practice Targeted performance level Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. Achieved
Best Practice
7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement.
Best Practice
7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers.