ISSN 2817-3481

Statement outlining results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and programs

1. Introduction

This quarterly report has been prepared by management as required by section 65.1 of the Financial Administration Act and in the form and manner prescribed by the Treasury Board Directive on Accounting Standards. This report should be read in conjunction with the 2024–25 Main Estimates.

The mandate of the Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (CICS) is to support federal, provincial and territorial governments in the planning and conduct of senior level intergovernmental conferences held across Canada. The primary objective of CICS is to relieve client departments of the numerous technical and logistical tasks associated with the planning and conduct of multilateral conferences, thereby enabling participants to concentrate on substantive intergovernmental policy issues. CICS provides continuous, effective and impartial logistical support to these meetings.

The quarterly report has not been subject to an external audit or review.

Basis of Presentation

This quarterly report has been prepared by management using an expenditure basis of accounting. The accompanying Statement of Authorities includes the department’s spending authorities granted by Parliament and those used by the department consistent with the 2024–25 Main Estimates. This quarterly report has been prepared using a special purpose financial reporting framework designed to meet financial information needs with respect to the use of spending authorities.

The authority of Parliament is required before money can be spent by the Government. Approvals are given in the form of annually approved limits through appropriation acts or through legislation in the form of statutory spending authority for specific purposes.

As part of the departmental performance reporting process, CICS prepares its annual departmental financial statements on a full accrual basis in accordance with Treasury Board accounting policies, which are based on Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for the public sector. However, the spending authorities voted by Parliament remain on an expenditure basis.

2. Highlights of fiscal quarter and fiscal year to date results

The year-to-date operating expenses to June 30, 2024, have significantly increased (increase of $626,000) compared to the same period in 2023–24. The increase in expenses is mainly due to the hiring of many new employees in April 2024, the increase in translation and interpretation services, and renovations made to the crate room on the 12th floor. Some of these additional costs were directly attributable to the increased demand for conferences during the same period. To date, CICS has served 17 in-person conferences and 27 videoconferences, compared to 11 in-person conferences and 13 videoconferences during the same period in 2023–24.

 2.1 Statement of Authorities

CICS’ authorities available in 2024–25 for this first quarter are approximately $1.7 million higher than in the last fiscal year ($1,656,675 in voted authorities and $78,676 in statutory authorities) because of additional funding provided in Budget 2023. The three-year funding came into effect in 2023–24. The Supplementary Estimates for the 2023–24 fiscal year were allocated during the third quarter. As for the 2024–25 fiscal year, the Supplementary Estimates have been available since the first quarter.

 2.2 Statement of department budgetary expenditures by standard object

The year-to-date operating expenses to June 30, 2024, are $1.8 million, approximately $626,000 higher than for the same period in 2023–24. This increase is largely attributable to the following factors:

  • Personnel: an increase of $393,000 due to the staffing of new positions
  • Professional and special services: an increase of $160,000 mainly due to the completion of the office refit project (crate room) initiated during the previous quarter, as well as translation and interpretation services
  • Transportation and communication: an increase of $44,000 for expenses related to travel and the shipping of equipment to remote destinations in order to support in-person conferences

3. Risks and uncertainties

CICS does not convene intergovernmental meetings. It is called upon to respond to decisions taken by governments to meet on key national or specific issues. Decisions concerning the location of such meetings, their number in a given fiscal year, their timing and duration, are all factors beyond the control of the Secretariat. CICS continues to develop and use forecasting tools to estimate costs and plan for conferences as requests are received.

As a micro agency, CICS is at risk of losing key personnel and experiencing vacancies in key roles. CICS continues to target greater provincial and territorial representation among Conference Services staff to maintain a high level of neutrality and welcome diverse perspectives to its service delivery model.

4. Significant changes in relation to operations, personnel, and program

Eric Gagnon became the new Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of CICS on April 15, 2024, replacing Carole Bourget. CICS received additional funding for 2024–25 via Budget 2023. The three-year funding, which started in 2023–24, will allow CICS to continue serving its clients while assessing its long-term viability by conducting an extensive analysis of its business model, current service offerings and required resources. The increase in funding also included eight new full-time equivalent positions within the organizational structure, representing a significant change in staffing while reinforcing CICS’ ability to effectively fulfill its mandate.

Approval by senior officials

Original signed by:

Ruth Onyancha
Ottawa, Canada

Date: August 12, 2024

Original signed by:

Eric Gagnon
Chief Financial Officer
Ottawa, Canada

Date: August 12, 2024

Fiscal year 2024-25
(in dollars) Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2025* Used during the quarter ended June 30, 2024 Year to date used at quarter-end
Vote 1 – Net Operating expenditures 7,295,419 1,713,916 1,713,916
Budgetary Statutory authorities 531,123 132,781 132,781
Total Budgetary authorities 7,826,542 1,846,697 1,846,697
Total authorities 7,826,542 1,846,697 1,846,697

Fiscal year 2023-24
(in dollars) Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2024* Used during the quarter ended June 30, 2023 Year to date used at quarter-end
Vote 1 – Net Operating expenditures 5,638,744 1,107,949 1,107,949
Budgetary Statutory authorities 452,447 113,112 113,112
Total Budgetary authorities 6,091,191 1,221,061 1,221,061
Total authorities 6,091,191 1,221,061 1,221,061

*Includes only Authorities available for use and granted by Parliament at quarter-end.

Departmental budgetary expenditures by Standard Object
Fiscal year 2024-25
(in dollars) Planned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2025 Expended during the quarter ended June 30, 2024 Year to date used  at quarter-end
Personnel 4,379,842 1,190,885 1,190,885
Transportation and communications 1,037,869 223,613 223,613
Information 34,371 569 569
Professional and special services 1,505,291 312,676 312,676
Rentals 712,705 112,286 112,286
Repair and maintenance 10,621
Utilities, materials and supplies 35,792 1,552 1,552
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 110,051 3,958 3,958
Other subsidies and payments 1,158 1,158
Total net budgetary expenditures 7,826,542 1,846,697 1,846,697

Fiscal year 2023-24
(in dollars) Planned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2024 Expended during the quarter ended June 30, 2023 Year to date used  at quarter-end
Personnel 3,429,069 798,327 798,327
Transportation and communications 561,914 179,533 179,533
Information 29,237 1,822 1,822
Professional and special services 1,280,426 152,308 152,308
Rentals 606,240 67,877 67,877
Repair and maintenance 9,034
Utilities, materials and supplies 30,445 7,203 7,203
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 144,826 8,511 8,511
Other subsidies and payments 5,480 5,480
Total net budgetary expenditures 6,091,191 1,221,061 1,221,061