Conférence des premiers ministres de l’Ouest, 2004


INUVIK, July 9, 2004


Western Premiers discussed energy and the role of the west in providing a secure and reliable supply of energy to Canada and the United States. Premiers emphasized that the continuing and growing international demand for energy provides a major economic opportunity for Canada’s western economy.

Premiers recognize that many of the opportunities and challenges faced by the energy sector can be better met through collective action among the western provinces and territories. Premiers agreed to create a western energy alliance to pursue further cooperative initiatives in areas such as:

  • a joint marketing plan to raise the profile of northern and western Canada as a secure supplier of oil, gas and hydroelectricity to Canada, North America, Asia/Pacific and other international markets
  • the provincial/territorial role in international energy discussions
  • shared access to data and information
  • energy efficiency
  • further develop renewable energy opportunities
  • research and technology, and
  • improved regulatory efficiency and harmonization.

Premiers directed their energy ministers, under the chair of Alberta, to meet to pursue the objectives of the energy alliance. The western energy alliance will also collaborate with neighbouring states, including Alaska, to ensure a northern and western regional approach is taken on energy issues.

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For information:
Julia Mott
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Territories
(867) 669-2304