At the June 2016 meeting of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Deputy Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety, Deputies asked to include a list of governmental and non-governmental partnerships and collaborations on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) to accompany the final report of the Steering Committee on FASD and Access to Justice.
This inventory outlines Canadian partnerships focused on FASD. Partnerships include existing working groups, committees, networks, and government plans/initiatives, involving stakeholders collaborating between and within jurisdictions, such as across governments (e.g., federal, provincial, territorial), departments (e.g., health, education, justice, social services), and non-governmental organizations. This inventory outlines partnerships that are federal, interjurisdictional, intergovernmental, provincial/territorial, and non-governmental.
Information was collected in the summer of 2016. Sources included a 2010 inventory of FASD partnerships (Department of Justice Canada), federal, provincial, and territorial government and non-government organization websites, and representatives from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, Canada Northwest FASD Partnership, Canada Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Network, and Federal/Provincial/Territorial Coordinating Committee of Senior Officials Criminal Justice Steering Committee on FASD and Access to Justice. Partnerships are listed alphabetically under each heading. Hyperlinks to websites and key reports are provided where available.
Federal government partnerships include a combination of federal/provincial/territorial governments and non-governmental organizations, led by the federal government.
The Public Health Agency of Canada's Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Initiative provides strategic federal leadership and coordination, with the aim of preventing FASD and improving the health and social outcomes of those affected. The FASD Initiative collaborates with federal, provincial, and territorial governments, health and allied professionals, researchers, communities, and other stakeholders to coordinate activities to address FASD and contribute to research and policy efforts. As part of a 5-Year Strategic Plan (2016-2021), the Initiative established four priorities: raising public awareness, preventing alcohol use in pregnancy, improving health and social outcomes for those affected, and data.
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Interdepartmental Working Group (FASD IWG) provides coordinated leadership for the Government of Canada on issues related to FASD. As a forum aligning strategic federal leadership, the overarching aim is to prevent FASD and improve the health and social outcomes for those already affected. The FASD IWG comprises representatives from a variety of federal organizations, including the Public Health Agency of Canada (Chair), Health Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Employment and Social Development Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Justice Canada, National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, Public Safety Canada, and Status of Women Canada.
Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) works with First Nations, Inuit, other federal departments, and provincial and territorial partners to support the delivery of health services to First Nations and Inuit. FNIHB provides and funds a range of programs and services in First Nations and Inuit communities, including the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Program. A goal of the FASD Program is to reduce the number of babies born with FASD, and support children who are diagnosed and their families to improve their quality of life.
Interjurisdictional partnerships include a combination of federal/provincial/territorial governments and non-governmental organizations, both of which play a role in the governance structure.
The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) works with partners to educate and inform Canadians on the risks of consuming alcohol, marijuana, and other substances during pregnancy. Addressing FASD is one of the 13 priorities of the National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol and Other Drugs and Substances in Canada (2005), developed collaboratively by representatives from governments, enforcement agencies, Aboriginal service providers, NGOs, academics, the health community, Health Canada, and CCSA. CCSA partnered with Health Canada and the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission to co-chair an expert working group of members from federal and provincial governments, national not-for-profit organizations, First Nations and Inuit organizations, academia, and the tourism and alcohol industries to develop recommendations for a national alcohol strategy (2007).
In June 2016, the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon (FASSY), Child Development Centre, departments of Health and Social Services and Justice came together to create the FASD Interagency Advisory Committee alongside other government departments (Education, Housing, Yukon Liquor Corporation, and Women's Directorate), the Council of Yukon First Nations, FASD leaders and advocates, family members, persons with lived experience, and other community agencies. The Advisory Committee will be working on the development of a FASD framework for action in Yukon and a 10-year strategic plan. Key areas of focus will be: awareness, prevention, and supports; assessment and diagnosis; supports to individuals with FASD and their families; education and training; and research, monitoring, and evaluation.
The National Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee (NASAC) was formed in 2008 to lead the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of Canada's national alcohol strategy. The committee is co-chaired by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada, and the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. Members include experts from across Canada from federal and provincial governments, non-governmental organizations, alcohol policy, public health (e.g., medical officers of health), First Nations, Inuit, and Métis service providers, and the alcohol industry.
Intergovernmental partnerships include both federal and provincial governments in the governance structure (non-governmental organizations are not involved in governance).
The Atlantic Intergovernmental Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Partnership (AIFASDP) is composed of provincial, federal, and regional ethnic government representatives from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunatsiavut, Health Canada (First Nations and Inuit Health), and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Members are from various departments, including health, education, community services, and mental health and addictions services. The mandate is to develop partnerships which foster collaboration and communication between the provincial and federal government in the Atlantic region, identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities in order to set priorities for FASD work in Atlantic Canada, pool resources to provide public education on FASD in the Atlantic region, and advocate for, encourage, and promote Atlantic FASD research. A 2008 report published by PHAC and Health Canada, Forward, Together: Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Atlantic Canada, presents the results of a two-phase effort to document FASD in the region, identify gaps, priorities, and opportunities related to FASD, and provide recommendations for future direction in Atlantic Canada.
The FASD Intergovernmental Action Network of Ontario (FIANO) is a network of provincial and federal government representatives working to develop intergovernmental collaboration on FASD.
The FASD Network of Quebec is a collaborative network of professionals working toward sharing FASD expertise and knowledge and encouraging and supporting initiatives and innovative projects related to FASD. Membership includes experts and specialists in health promotion, diagnosis, justice services, the criminal justice system, and youth protection. The FASD Network of Quebec is chaired by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Provincial/territorial government partnerships include only provincial/territorial governments in the governance structure (federal government is not involved in governance).
In 2007, the Government of Alberta launched a cross-ministry initiative to develop a comprehensive coordinated response to FASD, resulting in the development and implementation of Alberta's FASD 10-Year Strategic Plan 2008. The FASD 10-Year Strategic Plan provides an overview of the scope and impact of FASD on individuals and families in Alberta. It identifies a vision, mission statement, guiding principles, and a broad framework for the coordination, planning, and delivery of FASD services across Alberta in the areas of awareness and prevention, assessment and diagnosis, supports for individuals and caregivers, research and evaluation, strategic planning, training and education, and stakeholder engagement. Twelve FASD Service Networks are a key initiative of the Plan to provide community-based coordinated assessment and diagnosis, targeted and indicated prevention, and support services for people affected by FASD and their caregivers.
The Alberta FASD Cross-Ministry Committee (FASD-CMC) provides a collaborative approach to planning and delivering government FASD programs and services, while ensuring consistency and synergy in government goals and priorities for FASD. The committee includes representation from nine provincial government ministries: Alberta Aboriginal Relations, Alberta Advanced Education and Technology, Alberta Children and Youth Services (co-chair), Alberta Seniors and Community Supports, Alberta Education, Alberta Health and Wellness (co-chair), Alberta Employment and Immigration, Alberta Justice and Attorney General, and Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security.
The 2008-2018 Provincial Plan for British Columbia builds on British Columbia's first FASD strategic plan released in 2003. The new Plan highlights progress to date and provides a framework to guide efforts over ten years. Through partnerships between government, health authorities, school districts, and community organizations, many community-based initiatives are occurring throughout British Columbia in the areas of prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and support. Nine provincial government ministries were involved in the development of the Plan. Representatives from all provincial ministries and the Public Health Agency of Canada meet 3-4 times/year to participate in presentations from leading researchers and practitioners regarding FASD prevention, screening, diagnosis, and support.
The Canada Northwest FASD Partnership (CNFASDP) was created in 1998 by the Ministers of Health and Social Services from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Recognizing the significant impact of FASD on society, the Ministers desired a coordinated approach that would leverage the shared resources and expertise of their jurisdictions to move the FASD agenda forward as a region and within each province. By 2001, membership grew to include British Columbia and all three territories. The goal of the CNFASDP is to advance evidence-based policy development and service design in FASD prevention, diagnosis, and support through the sharing of resources and expertise. Each member jurisdiction is represented by the Ministry or Department with the lead responsibility for FASD in the province/territory. There is a Ministers' Table, a Deputy Ministers' Table, and a Steering Committee of officials. In 2005, the CNFASDP developed what is now the Canada FASD Research Network to stimulate high quality research applicable to policy and service design. The CNFASDP also funds FASD conferences and symposia to enhance knowledge translation and community mobilization in the partner jurisdictions. In June 2016, the eastern provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador were invited to join the CNFASDP.
The Cognitive Disabilities Strategy Cross-ministerial Working Group in Saskatchewan is a cross-ministry policy forum to support an integrated approach to meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, people with disabilities and their families. Cognitive disabilities include FASD, autism spectrum disorders, and acquired brain injury. The committee is chaired by the Ministry of Health, with representation from the Ministries of Social Services, Education, Justice – Corrections, Advanced Education, Economy, and the Office of Disability Issues.
Manitoba's FASD Strategy, Together we are stronger: Continuing the Success of Manitoba's FASD Strategy, is an interdepartmental partnership, with direction from the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, working together to support the community to address FASD. Manitoba Education and Training, through the Healthy Child Manitoba Office, chairs this initiative, with membership from Manitoba Education and Training; Manitoba Families; Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living; Manitoba Justice; Culture and Heritage/Status of Women and Indigenous and Municipal Relations.
Manitoba's Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Interdepartmental Committee brings government departments together to coordinate departmental efforts, share information, plan training, and use resources more effectively.
The Nova Scotia FASD Intergovernmental Exchange Group supports the coordination and exchange of FASD expertise, knowledge, and best practices at the local, provincial, regional, and national levels across the continuum (e.g., prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support, intervention, education, training) and across government departments to improve the health and well-being of Nova Scotia women, children, and families. The Group is comprised of members from provincial government departments including Health and Wellness, Education, Justice, and Community Services, federal partners (Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada), and community and district-level representatives. The Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection launched a provincial Alcohol Strategy in 2007 to prevent and reduce the burden of alcohol-related harm in Nova Scotia.
In 2015, Ontario engaged with service providers, families, caregivers and individuals with FASD, researchers and clinicians, Indigenous partners, and others through twenty-five roundtable sessions on the development of a provincial approach to FASD.
Saskatchewan's Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention Framework 2014 provides a broad framework to guide the development and implementation of FASD prevention initiatives across human service sectors throughout Saskatchewan. Partners include the FASD Support Network of Saskatchewan, SK Region Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Services, Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and University of Saskatchewan.
Non-governmental partnerships may be funded by various governments, but have independent governance structures.
The mission of the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (BCCEWH) is to improve the health of women by fostering collaboration on multidisciplinary and action-oriented research on girls' and women's health and to introduce gender into health research. The BCCEWH pays particular attention to research that will improve the health status of girls and women who face health inequities due to socioeconomic status, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, geography, disability, and/or addiction. Alcohol and FASD Prevention is one of BCCEWH's research areas. Their Network Action Team – FASD Prevention from a Women's Health Perspective (funded by the Canada FASD Research Network) – links researchers, service providers, policy advisors, and mothers from across Canada in order to build upon the current knowledge base about FASD prevention, and bring it into health promotion, prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and policy development, as well as further research.
The Canada Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Network (CanFASD) (formerly Canada Northwest FASD Research Network) was established in 2005 by the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership (CNFASDP) to stimulate research in FASD prevention, assessment, and intervention approaches. The goal was originally to enhance collaborative research capacity in northern and western Canada to better inform policy and service design by governments. By 2012, CanFASD became a non-profit entity supporting FASD research across Canada. CanFASD is Canada's first comprehensive national FASD research network. Its mission is to produce and maintain national, collaborative research designed for sharing with all Canadians, leading to prevention strategies and improved support services for people affected by FASD.
The FASD and Child Welfare Inter-Provincial Community of Practice is intended to create a national network to inform policy makers, program developers, and practitioners about the needs of children with FASD in the care of child welfare jurisdictions and agencies, as well as early intervention practices. Partners include Alberta (Alberta Human Services, University of Calgary), Manitoba (Manitoba Family Services and Corporate Affairs, University of Manitoba), and Ontario (Children's Aid Society of Toronto, University of Toronto).
The FASD Collaboration Roundtable is a way of bringing together people from across systems to network, share information, discuss issues, problem-solve effective responses, and try to entrench that in policy and practice. The goal is to involve all of the key systems and agencies that deliver services to children, youth, and adults with FASD in the greater community. In addition, the Roundtable welcomes the voices of parents, grandparents, and other caregivers of individuals with FASD, as well as other advocates. Each year the FASD Collaboration Roundtable's organizing committee provides an opportunity for learning and networking around FASD through the Annual FASD Fall Conference.
The FASD Network of Saskatchewan is a provincial organization that works with families, children, and adults affected by FASD. The Network expanded from a group of concerned parents into an organization led by a 12-member board of directors offering support, training, and events across the province.
The fasdNL Network is focused on increasing FASD awareness and understanding as well as promoting and advocating for best practices in FASD prevention and supports across Newfoundland and Labrador. Members include representatives from Nunatsiavut, Corner Brook, Sheshatshiu, Exploits Valley Community Coalition, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Correctional Service of Canada, Eastern Health, and Labrador-Grenfell Health.
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Ontario Network of Expertise (FASD ONE) is working to respond to emerging issues, changing environment, and available resources by focusing on priorities related to gaps or challenges associated with FASD in Ontario. Membership includes experts and specialists in research, health promotion, diagnosis, justice services, education, community and policy development, and service delivery, as well as family members who have intimate knowledge of the practical needs of individuals with FASD. FASD ONE is a collaboration of diverse provincial and local stakeholder action groups working to promote, plan, facilitate, and support the coordination, enhancement, and expansion of services and initiatives to better serve children, youth, parents, pregnant women, and families affected by FASD. FASD ONE is comprised of a Leads' Committee and five action groups: Diagnostic, Intervention and Support, Justice, Prevention, and Education. FASD ONE's Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Call to Action in Ontario calls for a provincial strategy on FASD.
The Institute of Health Economics (IHE) is a unique collaborative arrangement among government, academia, and industry. The IHE is committed to gathering and disseminating evidence-based findings from health economics, health policy, health technology assessment, and comparative effectiveness research to support health policy and practice. Recent initiatives include a major program of research and knowledge translation on FASD, including the First International Conference on the Prevention of FASD (2013) and first Consensus Development Conference on Legal Issues of FASD (2013). The IHE hosts multiple major Consensus Development Conferences, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Across the Lifespan (2009) and Legal Issues of FASD (2013).
The Manitoba FASD Coalition brings together families, service providers, community organizations, and government representatives from across Manitoba to share information and resources, coordinate activities, and plan to address issues related to FASD.
NeuroDevNet is dedicated to understanding brain development and helping children and their families overcome the challenges of neurodevelopmental disorders. NeuroDevNet is funded by the Networks of Centres of Excellence, a federal government program to advance science and technology. NeuroDevNet works with partners in academia, the community, not-for-profit sector, industry, and government. NeuroDevNet's current research projects focus on autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, and FASD.
The New Brunswick Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Centre of Excellence is a provincial initiative funded by the Department of Health and managed by Vitalité Health Network. The Centre's mission is to offer families and professionals working with people with FASD in New Brunswick, prevention, diagnostic, intervention, support, and post-clinic follow-up services in both official languages. The FASD Centre of Excellence also provides support and intervention services to families and adults who do not meet diagnostic assessment criteria pre-established by the clinic. The Centre of Excellence team is made up of four Regional Community Coordinators based in various locations in the province and a First Nations Liaison Officer to ensure that services are available to all New Brunswick communities.
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada is the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada and is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors from across Canada. It fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equality and social improvements, and encourages their participation in the community, regional, and national life of Canada. The Inuit Five-Year Strategic Plan on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) 2010-2015 sets out a vision statement, mandate, priorities, and strategic directions that will guide how Pauktuutit will collaborate with governments and other regional and local stakeholders over the next five years with respect to the problem of FASD within Inuit communities in Canada.
The Saskatchewan FASD Coordinating Committee is designed to maximize the coordination of FASD prevention and intervention efforts in Saskatchewan through increased collaboration of government and community organizations. The Committee is chaired by the Prevention Institute and includes representatives from community-based organizations, First Nations and Métis organizations, addiction agencies, health professionals, and provincial and federal government departments.
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is focused on reducing the occurrence of disabling conditions in children using primary prevention methods. Guided by a Board of Directors, an Executive Committee, a Medical Advisory Committee, and a Program Advisory Committee, the Prevention Institute works to raise awareness by providing training, information, and resources based on current best evidence. The Prevention Institute coordinates and administers a provincial FASD prevention program.