The figure below shows the expected range of emissions in 2020 and in 2030 under different economic and energy price and production scenarios.
The projections to 2020 and 2030 include current actions taken by governments, consumers and businesses, as well as the future impacts of policies and measures that have been put in place as of September 2015. These projections do not reflect the impact of additional federal, provincial or territorial measures that have been announced since September 2015 or which are still under development, including those from Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba.
Canada's Emission Projections to 2020 and 2030 (Mt CO2 eq)
Unless we take more action, our models show Canada's greenhouse gas emissions would be 768 megatons of CO2 in 2020 and 815 megatons of CO2 in 2030.
The expected range of emissions illustrates the level of work we need to undertake to close the gap between where Canada's emissions are today, and where they need to be to avoid the worst effects of climate change going forward, and to meet Canada's commitments under the Paris Agreement.