“A strong and globally competitive mining industry is an important source of job creation and economic growth for Canada,” said Minister Oliver. “Mines ministers share a commitment to ensure that Canada remains a world leader in mining performance while maintaining the highest standards for environmental and social responsibility.”
The ministers acknowledged that the increasing importance of minerals and metals presents exciting new opportunities for the creation of high-paying jobs across Canada, particularly in remote and Aboriginal communities.
“We need to ensure that we maintain our leadership role for the benefit of all Canadians,” said Minister Liepert. “It’s important to continue building on a variety of initiatives and developing strategies to encourage and foster research and application of innovative technologies.”
The meeting focused on maintaining Canada's competitive advantage through the identification of current mining sector risks and opportunities in terms of building a response to the new global economic reality and examined the results of an international tax study that confirmed that Canada's tax regimes are internationally competitive.
Canada ranks among the largest producers of metals and mineral products that are essential to everyday living and for the new technologies of the future.
They also noted that over the past year, all governments continued to improve regulatory review processes. The ministers reaffirmed their commitment to working toward the shared objective of one-project/one-review for environmental assessments and associated regulatory processes to position Canada for long-term growth and job creation while maintaining the highest standards of environmental protection. They underlined the importance of an effective and efficient regulatory system with timely, transparent, fair and predictable processes.
The next annual Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference will be hosted by the Government of Prince Edward Island, and will be held in Charlottetown, from September 9 to 11, 2012.
Media may contact:
Julie Di Mambro
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister
Natural Resources Canada
Media Relations
Natural Resources Canada