All Canadians will benefit from sustainable economic growth, jobs and shared prosperity as a result of a new work plan endorsed today by federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for innovation and economic development.
This two-year plan will be implemented in accordance with each government's jurisdictions, priorities and contexts, and aims to establish collaboration in the following five focus areas:
Federal-provincial-territorial collaboration across these five areas will strengthen Canada's competitive advantages and accelerate economic growth, create jobs and increase shared prosperity.
Ministers also received an update on Canada's Innovation and Skills Plan and ongoing collaborations, including a demonstration of the Canadian Cluster Mapping Portal and Indigenous Economic Development Best Practices.
Ministers reiterated their commitment to continue to strengthen Canada's economy through partnerships and concrete actions to drive innovation for the jobs and give to Canadians what they need to take advantage of the opportunities the economy of today and tomorrow offers. Ministers will meet again in 2018 to review progress on the two-year plan.
Before their meeting in Vancouver, ministers met with President Chartier of the Métis National Council and Mr. Richard Nerysoo, representative of the Assembly of First Nations, and NWT Representative on the Chiefs Committee on Economic Development, who shared their perspectives on innovation and on the unique challenges and opportunities around expanding economic opportunities for Indigenous people and communities.
“Today, we convened federal, provincial and territorial ministers to discuss how we can work together to catalyze innovation, spur economic development and create well-paying jobs for the middle class. To do this, we need to consider the specific regional economic contexts and all governments' goals, and we also need to consult indigenous groups to ensure that all voices are at the table.”
The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Government of Canada
“By working together collaboratively, our federal, provincial and territorial governments are ensuring that we grow Canada's economy and diverse innovation sector in an inclusive, sustainable way. Our goal is for First Nations and all Canadians to be able to share in the economic success and job growth from new and emerging technologies as traditional industries evolve.”
The Honourable Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, Government of British Columbia
Mallory Clyne
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Media Relations
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology Media Relations
Tasha Schollen