Regina, Saskatchewan, October 24, 2017 – Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers met in Regina today to continue work on a wide range of priorities concerning Canada's labour market including: investing in jobs and skills training, improving labour market information, and facilitating the mobility of certified workers in Canada.
The Forum of Labour Market Ministers (FLMM) meeting was co-chaired by the Honourable Steven Bonk, Saskatchewan Minister of the Economy, and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, federal Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.
Building on public consultations held in 2016, FLMM Ministers highlighted the importance of inclusive, flexible, streamlined, responsive and outcome-focused labour market transfer agreements. Ministers committed to measuring and communicating results to Canadians. To help Canadians thrive, including under-represented groups, the Government of Canada is investing almost $20 billion over six years to better support provincial and territorial employment and training programs. Please see the attached backgrounder for more information
Ministers welcomed Steven Tobin, Executive Director of the recently created Labour Market Information Council. They discussed how the FLMM and the Council, along with its National Stakeholder Advisory and Expert Panels, will work innovatively together to provide quality, timely, and accurate information. This information will help students, workers, job seekers, employers, educators, and governments make informed decisions.
Ministers committed to strategic priorities, including workforce innovation to guide their collective work over the next three years. They will ensure Canada has a skilled, adaptable and inclusive workforce to improve participation of all Canadians in the labour market, better align skills with labour market need and support the creation of efficient labour markets. An infographic on the strategic plan is available on the new FLMM website
Ministers heard from the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies and the Gabriel Dumont Institute about innovative partnerships that linked major infrastructure investments with training for Indigenous apprentices. Mr. Stefano Scarpetta from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development spoke to the Ministers about how best to prepare Canadians for the changing job market.
Ministers welcomed the addition of Nunavut as a signatory to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, which replaced the Agreement on Internal Trade on July 1, 2017 and includes a chapter on labour mobility. With labour mobility coverage extended to Nunavut, certified workers in regulated occupations in Canada will be able to work in those occupations across the entire country without experiencing barriers to certification.
Ministers underlined the importance of strong engagement across all jurisdictions with Indigenous Peoples. They agreed to engage with Indigenous partners to discuss opportunities to improve Indigenous labour market outcomes. Ministers also agreed to continue work to engage employers, service providers and labour to ensure that all Canadians can benefit from skills and training programs that respond to local labour market needs.
The FLMM was established in 1983 as an intergovernmental forum aimed at strengthening cooperation on the labour market priorities of the provinces, the territories and Canada.
“The Government of Canada understands the challenges some people, particularly underrepresented groups, are facing when it comes to training for and access to work. We believe that collaborating with our provincial and territorial partners on these shared issues is the best way to help Canadians find and keep jobs. [I welcome Mr. Steven Tobin to his new role as Executive Director of the Labour Market Information Council and look forward to its contributions to improve the quality and timeliness of information job seekers, students, employers, and policy makers need to make decisions.]”
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, and co-Chair of the FLMM.
“On behalf of the people and the Government of Saskatchewan, I was honoured to host the FLMM meeting in Regina and to showcase creative partnerships between business and Indigenous apprentices in the construction of the new Mosaic Stadium. I am pleased with the progress we made on our shared priorities and seizing opportunities for employment and economic growth across Canada. With the formation of the new Labour Market Information Council, I am confident all Canadians will benefit from the work of expert advisors drawn from across Canada.”
Steven Bonk, Minister of the Economy and Provincial co-Chair of the FLMM.
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This news release is available in alternative formats upon request.
Cole Goertz
Government of Saskatchewan
Ministry of the Economy
Matt Pascuzzo
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Patty Hajdu, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour
Communications Branch –
Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy
Media Relations Office
Employment and Social Development Canada
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