Toronto, Ontario — The Honourable Joe Fontana, Federal Minister of Labour and Housing, and the Honourable Chris Bentley, the Ontario Minister of Labour, announced that Canada’s Ministers responsible for Labour have agreed in principle to a new Canadian intergovernmental agreement, a framework that establishes a federal-provincial-territorial mechanism for the implementation and operation of international labour cooperation agreements.
“International labour cooperation agreements promote core labour standards hand in hand with free trade agreements,” said Minister Fontana. “The consensus that we have reached today will make it possible for governments in Canada to move forward together in the expanding field of trade and labour issues. I am convinced that this is a far-reaching achievement in federal-provincial-territorial relations.” The objective of labour cooperation agreements is to promote fundamental labour principles and the rule of law through effective enforcement of domestic labour laws.
In addition, ministers discussed issues concerning occupational health and safety, and wellness in the workplace including work-life balance and psychological harassment. The two-day meeting ends today in Toronto.
Ministers heard from a panel of chief executives from different regions of the country about the challenges they face in ensuring the safety and well-being of their work force. It was recognized by Ministers that improving occupational safety and health requires the commitment and involvement of all of the stakeholders, labour, business and governments.
Quebec’s recent innovative legislation on psychological harassment in the workplace, a first in North America, was a special topic discussed at the meeting.
Ministers also exchanged views with experts on the link between Wellness in the Workplace and improved productivity and morale. This discussion focused on the emerging issue of promoting better work-life balance and improved mental health.
“It is clear that there is a very strong relationship between the overall health and safety of workers and the success of businesses,” said Minister Bentley.
“Keeping workers safe and healthy increases business productivity and competitiveness.”
Ministers Fontana and Bentley are the co-chairs of this year’s meeting of federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for Labour.
The Ministers of Labour meet every year to share experiences and promote cooperation among labour jurisdictions in Canada. Throughout the year, ongoing work continues through the Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation.
For more information:
Peter Graham
Office of the Minister of Labour
(819) 953-5646
Peter Fitzpatrick
Ontario Ministry of Labour
(416) 326-7710