To ensure a safe water supply for the future in each western jurisdiction, Premiers agreed to establish a Western Water Stewardship Council.
The Western Water Stewardship Council will undertake work such as monitoring and reporting; water supply assessment; demand management; aquatic ecosystem health; education and outreach; watershed planning and governance; and shared information networks and systems. The Council will also explore the potential for developing a Western drought preparedness plan. British Columbia will establish a Secretariat to support its work.
Since watersheds cross provincial, territorial and international borders, effective collaboration and coordination of trans-boundary water issues is critical to ensuring the continued growth and success of the West.
Premiers noted the important role the federal government must play in managing cross-border water issues with the United States, and urged the federal government to work closely with provinces and territories to ensure Canadian water resources are fully protected.
Western Premiers also discussed how excess phosphorus contributes to the growth of algae blooms in lakes, rivers and streams, and how reducing phosphorus in products such as household automatic dishwasher detergent can be an important first step in reducing the flow of excess nutrients from urban and rural residential areas. Premiers discussed the proposed federal action in this area and urge the federal Cabinet to approve the proposed changes in the Phosphorus Concentration Regulation under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
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Contact: Ian Hanna
Advisor to the Premier
Government of Saskatchewan