Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 28, 2017 – Federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) Ministers responsible for sport, physical activity and recreation held a two-day conference to continue the work undertaken toward the advancement of sport, physical activity and recreation in Canada. They also highlighted the high quality of the organization and facilities in place for the 2017 Canada Summer Games, which will take place in Winnipeg over the next two weeks.
Ministers acknowledged the importance of a common vision on physical activity for governments, organizations and leaders from across sectors to help ensure all Canadians are active and to reduce sedentary living. Ministers recognized the work accomplished to date on Canada's pan-Canadian physical activity framework* and asked that work continue with a view to enhance the framework to further reflect Indigenous perspectives. The completed framework will be returned to Ministers for review.
Ministers recognized the need to move forward with a harmonized approach, as appropriate by jurisdiction, to concussions in sport and the importance of addressing this issue with a focus on awareness, prevention, detection, management, and surveillance. They welcomed the Framework for Action which sets out principles for the implementation of these components. As part of the meeting, Ministers received a presentation from Parachute Canada on its Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, which will further inform federal, provincial and territorial approaches. Ministers also discussed the significant efforts already underway and identified opportunities to enhance collaboration across jurisdictions.
Ministers re-committed to the principle of gender equity in sport and acknowledged that governments have a key role to play. Ministers identified four key priorities to address participation of women and girls, including as leaders and coaches: increasing participation, supporting leadership, addressing gender-based violence and more balanced media approaches. Ministers will undertake an interjurisdictional scan of efforts already underway in many jurisdictions; assess information and data gaps; as well as make recommendations in each of the four priority areas for review at their 2019 F/P/T Ministers' Conference.
Ministers reaffirmed the need for F/P/T programs and policies in sport to reflect the principles of qualified coaching, organizational excellence, as well as safe, ethical, inclusive, accessible and developmentally appropriate sport, thereby promoting the alignment of the Canadian sport system.
During the conference, Ministers discussed the Framework for Recreation in Canada and supported* it. They will continue the coordination of the Implementation and Monitoring Working Group and advance a development and knowledge management strategy. They also expressed interest in learning the outcomes of the Gathering Strength: Framework for Recreation in Canada Forum that will be hosted in Regina in May 2018.
Ministers also recognized the Canada Games as an important event for our country while also acknowledging the unique challenges smaller jurisdictions may experience in hosting the Games. Ministers will explore options to reducing cost pressures to allow all jurisdictions to successfully host this event.
Prior to the start of the conference, Ministers met with the Aboriginal Sport Circle to discuss topics such as how to best support team preparation and travel across Canada for the North American Indigenous Games and ensure inclusiveness of Indigenous Peoples in physical activity and recreation plans. The meeting enabled the Aboriginal Sport Circle to inform the Ministers of priority issues related to the participation of Indigenous Peoples in sport, physical activity and recreation, and provide recommendations to address these issues.
The next meeting of F/P/T ministers is scheduled to take place in Red Deer, just before the beginning of the 2019 Canada Winter Games.
*Although Quebec is not opposed to the principles underlying these frameworks, it has its own programs, action plans, objectives and targets for the promotion of physical activity and healthy lifestyles, all areas which are under Quebec's responsibility. The Government of Quebec does not participate in federal, provincial and territorial initiatives in this area, but agrees to exchange information and best practices with other governments.
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Ashley Michnowski
Office of the Honourable Carla Qualtrough
Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities
Office of the Honourable Jane Philpott
Health Canada
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Canadian Heritage
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Public Health Agency of Canada