Canada's federal, provincial and territorial forest ministers gathered virtually this week for their annual meeting to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing Canada's forest sector. The September 16 meeting was hosted by Northwest Territories Minister Shane Thompson, current Chair of Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM).
Ministers held a focused discussion on the ongoing implementation of the Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada, and the importance of innovation in building strength and resilience across the sector. Ministers recognized the role that the forest bioeconomy can play in accelerating a post COVID-19 recovery.
The environmental reputation of the Canadian forest sector continues to be a key priority of the CCFM. During the meeting, Ministers endorsed Canada’s Forests: Our Roots, Our Future, an informational report designed to raise awareness of how Canada’s world-leading sustainable forest management practices can help ensure our forests act as a natural solution to climate change and support the transition to a low-carbon society. The report will be available to all CCFM jurisdictions to distribute and promote according to their needs.
The Council also approved expanding the mandate of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFCC) to include fire prevention and mitigation. This important expansion will create additional venues for collaboration among federal, provincial, and territorial governments and will further demonstrate Canada’s commitment to fire management on the international stage. CIFFC will lead the development of a National Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy, for CCFM consideration in 2021.
“I am very pleased that the federal, provincial and territorial governments agreed to expand the mandate of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) to include prevention and mitigation," said Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources Minister Shane Thompson. “Under the new model, CIFFC will establish and provide support for standards, technical guidance and other tools related to prevention and mitigation. As a result of this change, CIFFC will be able to effectively support whole-of-government approaches to wildland fire risk reduction, as envisioned in the Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy.”
Participants then thanked Minister Thompson for his leadership of the current session, and he turned the CCFM Chair over to Manitoba, who will host the 2021 gathering.
“Manitoba is pleased to assume the CCFM chair role beginning in the fall of 2020,” said Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen. “The CCFM provides an important space to discuss shared priorities in the forest sector across Canada. We look forward to the implementation of the CIFFC’s newly expanded mandate as well as continued collaboration towards building a vibrant and resilient forest economy that is inclusive of Indigenous Peoples. We need to compliment this work with continued effort towards enhancing the public’s trust in sustainable forest management and the environmental reputation of the forest sector.”
The meeting was preceded by a virtual session of the Forum on the Forests where ministers discussed pressing issues facing the Canadian forest sector with Indigenous and industry representatives. This included a panel discussion on best practices and opportunities to increase Indigenous participation in the forest sector, as well as the State of the Sector in a second panel discussion with industry representatives.
The CCFM was established in 1985 to help federal, provincial and territorial governments work together on common concerns relating to the forest sector. The CCFM provides leadership on pan-Canadian and international issues, and sets direction for the stewardship and sustainable management of forests in Canada.
*Due to an election period, New Brunswick has not taken a position on the issues discussed during this meeting.