We, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Tourism recognize that:
Tourism is a significant economic driver across the country and its impacts are felt in regions and communities, large and small.
The public and private sectors are important contributors to the development and sustainability of tourism in Canada.
Drivers of competitiveness for tourism include marketing, access, labour and workforce, and opportunities and challenges presented by economic and industry change, innovation and globalization.
Canada's tourism products, such as those provided through Indigenous tourism, festivals and events, and parks tourism, provide unique and authentic experiences to attract visitors to Canada.
Timely, accurate and relevant approaches to tourism statistics and research demonstrate the value of Canada's tourism sector, and allow for strategic, evidence-based decision making.
We, the Ministers responsible for Tourism, commit to:
Address mutually-agreed upon priorities with the aim to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of Canada's tourism sector.
Facilitate collective action while respecting differences in jurisdictional responsibilities.
Foster cooperation with organizations that share common priorities.
Take action to address new priorities as they are identified.
We, the Ministers responsible for Tourism, identify the following priorities and actions:
Strengthen competitiveness by collaborating on marketing; broadening understanding of the sharing economy; facilitating communication on the importance of air competitiveness and access; and identifying potential solutions for labour and workforce challenges.
Grow Canada's tourism offerings by exploring opportunities to collaborate on Indigenous tourism; festivals and events; and sustainability and economic development from federal, provincial and territorial parks visitation.
Support a tourism statistical system in Canada that meets the information needs of decision makers.
We, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Tourism declare our commitment to the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Tourism Strategy in order to support continued collaboration on tourism and contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the tourism sector in Canada.