Conference of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers of Agriculture

GUIDING PRINCIPLES 1 – Guiding Principles for the Development of the Next Generation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy


This paper is one of a series of consultation documents designed to stimulate a dialogue among all stakeholders about how governments and others can work together to ensure a competitive and profitable Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector that provides safe, innovative, and high-quality products and services. In particular, the principles paper is designed to guide the policy development process for the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy.

Additional consultation material includes:

An overarching discussion paper meant to stimulate dialogue on the broad issues facing the sector and the overall direction of the agriculture and agri-food sector.

  • Five thematic discussion papers covering the topics of: innovation
       and science; environment; food safety and quality; renewal; and market development and trade. Each of these papers provides a more in-depth analysis of the area in question.
  • A series of economic backgrounders that provide information on broad trends experienced by the sector, as well as useful information about the approaches taken by other countries. 

Thank you for taking the time to review this paper. We hope it stimulates discussion and federal, provincial, and territorial governments welcome your input and ideas. Contact information is provided at the end of the paper.


Federal-Provincial-Territorial governments will support an agriculture and agri-food sector that is profitable, market-driven, innovative and efficient, and enable the sector to seize opportunities across the value chain and strengthen Canada’s position in the global marketplace, by:

Promoting a competitive and profitable agriculture and agri-food sector that responds quickly to market opportunities both in the domestic sphere and the global marketplace

Enabling industry to develop and adopt new technologies and best practices so
that Canada can be at the forefront of agri-products development

Fostering a business and regulatory climate that makes Canada a world leader in innovation and prosperity

Encouraging the sector to profit from market opportunities by meeting evolving consumer and citizen demands in areas such as food safety and quality, health and wellness, the environment,and renewable resources

Advocating for greater market access and clearer trading rules internationally, while acting in accordance with our international obligations to minimize our exposure to countervail action, and reaping the full benefits of Canada’s international trading rights

This will be achieved through:

A federal/provincial/territorial approach that provides flexibility to meet provincial, and territorial needs, while fostering national policy, program and regulatory coherence

Enhanced systematic integration of the design and delivery of programs to improve service and efficiency

Collaboration and partnerships among governments, government departments, producers and the wider industry, and the general public in building a strong, productive sector and a responsive regulatory system

A focus on long-term solutions complemented by short-term actions to address immediate circumstances facing the sector

These actions will benefit:

The entire agriculture and agri-food value chain
All Canadians, through a safe and secure food supply, the protection and promotion of animal, plant and human health, and a strong economy


Federal, provincial and territorial governments look forward to hearing from a wide variety of individuals and organizations, and working together to develop a solid policy framework that supports a prosperous agriculture and agri-food sector. We encourage you to add your voice to this discussion, beginning in January 2007.

For more information on this process:

  • Visit our website at
  • Call 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232)
       TTY: 1 800 926-9105
  • Contact any federal, provincial, or territorial agriculture office