WHEREAS, the New England states and Eastern Canadian provinces have established aggressive commitments to reduce travel demand and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from the movement of people and goods by adopting the Transportation Air Quality Action Plan in 2008; and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that more than 30% of the region’s GHG emissions can be attributed to activity in the transportation sector, and left unchecked will increase significantly in magnitude and severity; and
WHEREAS, the NEG/ECP jurisdictions are concerned about reducing all emissions from combustion of fossil fuels while maintaining vital transportation and trading networks; and
WHEREAS, the member states and provinces are already examining and employing transportation fuel alternatives to increase energy security and reduce environmental impacts, even as these alternative fuel technologies evolve; and
WHEREAS, the Conference recognizes that achievement of longer term emission reduction objectives will require transformative change in terms of fuels and vehicle technology, land use and transportation planning, including investment in fueling infrastructure.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NEG/ECP will examine issues related to emerging vehicle technologies by convening a dialogue between government, the research community, fuel producers, and vehicle manufacturers on alternative fuel vehicles, such as plug-in hybrids, electric and natural gas vehicle technologies and associated infrastructure. This dialogue will allow participants to assess the environmental and economic impacts of increased market share by electric and natural gas vehicles; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Transportation Air Quality Committee (TAQC) will use the outcomes of this dialogue and the economic analysis of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Clean Fuels Standard anticipated to be released in summer, 2011, to help inform the TAQC in making recommendations, as appropriate, regarding the best approach to developing regional fuel capacity and reducing emissions through the use of alternative fuels; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT NEG/ECP states and provinces will evaluate options for adjusting maximum permissible vehicle weights to compensate freight carriers for the added weight associated with emission reducing technologies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Conference directs the TAQC to access available public transit ridership data and facilitate, where feasible, increased multi-modal integration to improve the system and provide better service within and throughout the region so as to monitor and better coordinate passenger travel by bus, rail and other alternative modes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Governors and Premiers are unanimous in their support for a call on officials responsible to apply resources to the enhancement of rail infrastructure throughout the region to ensure continued rail passenger service between Halifax– Montreal and Montreal–New York, and to expand service between Montreal–Boston and Montreal–New Haven, including facilities for U.S. Customs preclearance and Canadian Customs clearance at Central Station in Montreal; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Conference is vitally interested in the results of the 2010 Interstate Weight Exemption pilot study being completed by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in Maine and Vermont, and supports the extension of the pilot to raise maximum weight limitations to 100,000 lbs. on interstate highways across these states. The study will provide information to the U.S. Congress regarding the safety, environmental, and economic benefits of moving large heavier trucks from the region’s narrow, populated secondary roads to more efficient interstate highways.
Adopted at the 35 th Annual Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers in Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 11, 2011.