WHEREAS, the NEG/ECP Climate Change Action Plan was the first international plan to present a long-term vision to address climate change within a region, setting regional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets for 2010 (a return to 1990 GHG emission levels), 2020 (10 percent below 1990 emission levels), and 2050 (75-85 percent below 2001 levels); and
WHEREAS, the 1990-2011 regional GHG inventory confirmed that the region surpassed its 2010 reduction target, and further analysis of the inventory with 2012 data showed that the GHG emissions in the region are nearing the 2020 target of 10 percent below the 1990 levels; and
WHEREAS, in 2012, the governors and premiers supported the addition of an interim emission reduction target for 2030 to help orient mid-term climate policy-making efforts with the ultimate goal of achieving the 2050 target; and
WHEREAS, timely actions to lower GHG emissions can capture reductions early in the process and lower the cumulative amount of emissions; provide positive signals and policy direction to industries and stakeholders for making informed investment decisions; and position the region to capitalize on the emerging green economy and significant energy and renewable energy opportunities to drive additional local and regional economic growth; and
WHEREAS, though the exact path to achieving either a 2030 or the 2050 reduction target is not fully determined, the potential to achieve this outcome is linked to technological transformations in energy use and the development of our energy resources, transportation and industrial sectors; and
WHEREAS, the 11 jurisdictions have analyzed and examined their current regulations and policies that address climate change, and have studied various economic growth projection scenarios in order to effectively determine an appropriate regional 2030 GHG reduction marker; and
WHEREAS, analysis of current policies and scenarios suggests and supports the need for a regional 2030 GHG marker range; and
WHEREAS, each New England State and Eastern Canadian Province is only responsible for developing and implementing policies that are appropriate to its individual needs, and the region has successfully achieved GHG emission reductions by working collaboratively across state, provincial and international borders; and
WHEREAS, the NEG/ECP has held a leading role on climate change at the regional level, and in the lead-up to an international post-2020 agreement on climate change due to be reached at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations, the governors and premiers must continue to demonstrate collaborative efforts and leadership in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers adopt a 2030 reduction marker range of at least 35% - 45% percent below 1990 levels; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers recognize the importance of all efforts being made at the state, provincial and federal levels to address climate change; and they understand that, for the region to successfully continue reducing its GHG emissions, they must identify and implement additional strategies, policies and measures at the regional level to facilitate achievement of the region’s GHG reduction marker for 2030 and the 2050 target. The governors and premiers recognize the value and benefit of working regionally to increase the effectiveness of collective actions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers ask the Committee on the Environment (COE) to further advance regional discussions and collaborative efforts by identifying strategies, policies and measures through which the region can achieve the 2030 reduction marker and 2050 target; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Committee on the Environment shall engage the Climate Change Steering Committee (CCSC) to work in collaboration with the Transportation and Air Quality Committee (TAQC) and the Northeast International Committee on Energy (NICE), in order to identify regional environmental, transportation and energy suites of strategies, policies and measures where GHG reductions are possible; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the 2013 Regional Climate Change Action Plan Strategic Overview and the 2013 Regional Climate Change Action Plan Blueprint shall be referenced for guidance by the CCSC, TAQC and NICE committees as they work collaboratively towards the articulation of the strategies, policies and measures required in order for the region to meet the 2030 reduction marker; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Committee on the Environment will oversee the development of a document presenting possible joint actions and advance it to the governors and premiers at the 40th NEG/ECP Conference.